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Posts posted by Craftsman

  1. Opus131 why does religion need to die?


    A man walked was walking with a Priest and said


    "Religion is useless. Look at all the worlds problems. It has solved nothing"


    The priest didnt reply but kept on walking. They came across a poor man, who was dirty as had not washed for days. The priest got out a bar of soap and said to the man


    "To the athiest, religion is like a of soup. It tastes sour and discusting when eaten, but it is not being used corretly. It is for washing so that we may be clean."


    He gave the soap to the poor man.


    "In the same way if religion was applied properly, as it was meant to bethere would be no troubles. Instead our human pride has caused us to look beyond the problem, in which we are to blame, and to blame something else."

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