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Posts posted by Craftsman

  1. Keep in mind that a healthy family is a man and wife and kids. This structure is what will keep humanity going. Allowing homo to marry and raise children is sexually confusing. They can do what they want. But certain values must be kept. Free speech is not at stake here, humanity must define what it is. It lives becasue of the relasionships between men and women.



  2. But mammals might do that becasuse they have no real concious thought of what they are doing. Humans have intelligence an thus a choice. If nothing is wrong with homosexuality why is it so repulsive to most?

  3. Natural process create life. The splitting of cells is natural. Photosysnesis powers the food chain thus fueling life. Two of the same sex having intercourse is not natural. Sexual orintation is geared toward hetrosexuality. It is a conscience choice to eirhter change, or give in to such feelings. Im no doctor but i think i make a valid point.

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