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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. Anyone have any clues if and what new mini games might be?
  2. How bout using vehicles to get to far off places? If they make the planets bigger in this game, maybe the use of vehicles instead of walking every where.
  3. A mission where to complete jedi and sith have to work together.
  4. If thats true how come in Jedi Outcasts theres mods with girls in bikini as player models?
  5. Theres more PCs than Xboxs so...
  6. I guess KOTOR 2 has the advantage of improving on KOTOR, which should be very hard to beat.
  7. Hmm. Oh well.
  8. But what if Lucasarts MADE the editing tool themselves.
  9. Or maybe options to change the violence? But really I rather more and smoother animations.
  10. Thats what im talking about. Good choice devs for not chaning the grahics and spending time on the game.
  11. KOTOR had like only 3 attacks critical stike, flurry, and power attack. I hope theres at least 10 in kotor 2. Cos the game engine is already done they just had to add more content.
  12. I guess these are the two heavyweights of RGPs on the horizon not including Fable. Which one do you think will be better? Personally i dont like all that marial arts/chinese mythology themes. Plus KOTOR 2 will make more sales as its for PC and Xbox while JE is only XBOX
  13. That to would also be good
  14. What should happen with the lighsaber is that one swing will kill you BUT the real 'health comes from the amour/protection you are wearing. Like in the first KOTOR the saber passed though a enemy wihout them dying. Ahem. With the protection of it would glance it and damage it, with the final kill coming from cutting through the protection/amour and cutting skin. Thats how it should be
  15. ...jus' what the world needs; yet another bastardization o' RE...e'er notice that after the first one (which was freakin' brilliant), they jus' kept gettin' worse an' worse, yet theys jus' kept makin' more an' more???... :angry: ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!... Stop talking like that
  16. Superman : The return of the evil one
  17. As we all know MODS greatly expland the life of a game. Heck if we could do our own voices overs and missions i would be willing to pay twice the about for this game.
  18. Yes . In this one as you get better the amimations look stronger and more fulid. The grahics will improve a little, which is also good.
  19. For the best i guess
  20. Hey all. I thought I would start up this thread to everyone could add the difference we find in KOTOR 2 from the old one through mags ect. Hopefully we will end up with a big list to be pround of. Also feel free to discuss these differences. Ill start.. 1) In kotor 2 you will be able to dictate the storyline much more.
  21. This game will be good. PS Check out my nic pic
  22. huh?
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