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About Jediphile

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  1. Just wondering if you're aware of the TSL Restored Content Mod by Darth Stoney (not Team Gizka) and what your thoughts - if any - are: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Restored_Content_Mod;111657

  2. Well, you might play both games, but people like me are examples too. I like the single-player aspect of KotOR because it focuses on better plot IMHO, but LA/Bioware think that if they can get me over to the MMO, they can make more money of people like me, because I'll have to pay the subscription fee. However, if there is a single-player game, then there is no way I'll do that, and so K3 and TOR effectively become competing product for me - both are RPGs, both are Star Wars, both are set in the Old Republic era, both focus on the threat from the true Sith to the Republic... But I'll take K3 over the MMO any day, and LA makes more money if I play the MMO. Therefore they won't make K3, because that way I'll have no choice but to play the MMO if I want to play in the Old Republic era. You might buy and play both, but I wouldn't, and so potential sales are still hurt by what would in my case have to be considered a competing product from the same company, and that product it also cost money for LA to develop. Now, granted, I'm not the best example, because K3 or not, there is no way I'll be paying to play the MMO. None. If subscription was free, I might consider it, but since I'm supremely confident it won't be, it's just not going to happen. But there are those who'll be enticed to play the MMO because it's going to be the only KotOR-era game around. People who are like me, except that they might consider paying the subscription fee. LA will do whatever it takes to herd those people over to the MMO, because they can make more MMOney on game sale plus subscription fee that way than they can from single-player K3 which gives them just game sale profits alone. Hence, no K3 for us...
  3. 1. I disagree completely. Both are CRPGs. The difference between an MMORPG and a SPCRPG is small to most people, and most probably to those exploring the market. Both are about creating a character and building that character with a level or skill based system. A different market would be if one was RTS like Empire at War or FPS like Battlefront. 2. Keep in mind that just Revan's voice for "ready" comments in KotOR1 was debated severely. It's probably no accident the exile is utterly quiet throughout TSL. 3. And if they play less, they might not pay the MMOney for a few months. That's exactly the reason there won't be a K3. You don't oversaturate the market. That's the reason LA gave for releasing only so many Star Wars games per year.
  4. 1. Since we still don't know Yoda's species, there is no basis that I know of to suggest that he used the force to prolong his longevity. Maybe his species - whomever they are - simply live that long. Besides, if life could be prolonged like that, why haven't we seen more masters of the order do it? 2. I assume the Sith master who survived the Great Hyperspace War you speak of is Naga Sadow. He did survive to escape and form a temple on the fourth moon of Yavin, and after that his fate is pretty much unknown. We know that Freedon Nadd somehow learned from Sadow 600 years later, and some sources suggest Sadow entered suspended animation, though the point is unclear. Sadow's ultimate fate is a bit sketchy. IIRC, the New Essential Guide to Characters says that Nadd killed Sadow, yet it's also established that Nadd made himself king of Onderon because he could not become dark lord while his master lived (and Nadd's teachings led to the Great Sith War 400 years later, since Nadd's force ghost taught Exar Kun the secrets of the dark side). Sadow could be the Sith emperor, I suppose, though that would again require a retcon removing the bit that he died by Nadd's hand. Surviving for a long time is not unheard of, though, especially among the sith. For example, a key point of the comic book crossover series requires that the fallen jedi Celeste Morne goes into suspended animation during the KotOR era's Mandalorian Wars only to be awakened 4000 years later by Darth Vader by using an oubliette created by the Sith Lord Dreypa (whomever he was). So we know that the Sith have that sort of technology. Indeed, Haazen uses a similar device to put jedi master Krynda Draay in a similar device (a major plot point of the KotOR comic book). Could Revan and Exile still be out there using similar devices? Well, I suppose we can't rule it out, but then what would be the point? If they're both going to appear again in TOR as saviors of the Republic, then why bother to advance the timeline by 300 years? It seems to me the whole point of advancing time 300 years is to make sure Revan and exile are dead so there will be no need to deal with them except possibly as long dead historic characters.
  5. They specifically say KotOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 rather than "content that would equal KotOR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7". That doesn't exactly leave much question about the relationship to KotOR...
  6. Yes, Force Crush it the ultimate campaign hoser. As long as there is no other opposition and you have enough force points (which isn't really an issue late in TSL in any event), there is nothing a lone enemy can do - just spam the button and watch him die. There is no defense against the damage, and since the enemy gets no chance to strike back, he or she is defenseless. It's only if that enemy is not alone and so has allies who can attack you that he or she has any chance of survival. No matter who that enemy. Spam the button and kill Atris, kill Nihilus, kill Sion, kill Traya. The only difference is how long it takes and how many force points it costs.
  7. Right. Computer games are an industry. If you can sell a product equally well with less cost to manpower to produce it, then that's what you do, and since modern cRPGs require voice-acting, multiple scenarios are even less likely, because they require not only more work for the designers and programmers, but also for the voice-actors. Making one game with two divergent plots is just not going to happen. I was impressed they even bothered to reflect the multiple genders and alignments of both Revan and the exile in TSL. Well, I agree it has negative impact, but I don't think that's the deciding factor. The simple truth is that TOR is the spiritual successor to KotOR, and according to LA, KotOR is the most successful Star Wars game they ever made. They don't want two games in the same franchise competing with each other. If there is both a KotOR3 and TOR, then there is little doubt that fewer of us will be playing the MMO than if there is just TOR. Oversaturation in the market is something the entertainment industry is very wary of. Actually, Revan's male voice in KotOR for those comments was that of Rino Romano. He has since voiced The Batman and Caramon Majere in Dragonlance. I think that makes him qualified...
  8. I didn't mean that I dislike using the darth title, but simply that I didn't like that Revan and Malak initially seemed not to have thought of cool sith names for themselves. Darth Vader instead of Anakin Skywalker or Darth Sidious instead of Palpatine (if that is his real name - I have no idea) are good, but the jedi Revan becoming Darth Revan or the jedi Malak becoming Darth Malak is disappointing, because it says something about the sith that they took new names that signaled a fundamental change in their beliefs. That Revan and Malak couldn't think of new names was disappointing. But luckily that was not the case, it seems. Certainly we know that Darth Malak's "real" name was Alek. But yes, it's a simple matter of opinion either way.
  9. It's a historically applied name to an individual of historic significance. Again, like Lenin. But of course, the assumption is that it is not the character's given name. As for putting "Darth" in front of one's own name being cool, I guess I'll just have to disagree. I've always considered it incredibly uncool that Revan and Malak apparently did that. Vader is so much cooler than Anakin Skywalker, Sidious than Palpatine, Lumiya than Shira Brie, etc. Well, maybe not Tyranus instead of Dooku - those I'd consider about as good. So I like JJM's solution, because it allows Revan to remain Revan without having chosen about the most uncool sith name is Star Wars history. coughArrenKaecough Now, I certainly never said that...
  10. The Suncrusher? The cloned Emperor? If you think those are the worst examples of stupid stuff in the EU, then I would respectfully say that you've been spared from some of the worst examples. How about Master Ooroo, the floating jedi brain of the Great Hyperspace War, or Simus, the body-less severed living head of a Sith lord of the same age? But those are just bad examples. In my book, the worst by far must be Valenthyne Farfalla's ship, the Fairwind, during the New Sith War. I mean, does this look like a starship to you? Because it is...
  11. I disagree, you are given a choice to stay at the academy and wait for more force sensatives to find you, or you could follow Reven's path into the unknown regions. Only in the DS ending, which is not canon. Clearly the exile cannot stay at the academy on Malachor in the LS ending, because there is no Malachor. And even in the DS ending, the choice is to go where Revan did now, or stay on Malachor and show others the way, until the exile does decide to go.
  12. Well the exile could of went to the unknown regions or he could stayed back in the known regions. So don't assume the exile is off with Reven just yet. Well, the game more ends up more than implying that exile will indeed follow Revan into the unknown regions. Kreia: "You must go where Revan did, into the Unknown Regions, where the Sith, the true Sith, wait in the dark for the great war that comes. And he came because Malachor, like Korriban, lies on the fringes of the ancient Sith Empire, where the true Sith wait for us, in the dark.Have we? You thought that the corrupted remnants of the Republic, the machines spawned by technology that Revan led into battle were the Sith? You are wrong. The Sith is a belief. And its empire, the true Sith Empire, rules elsewhere.And Revan knew the true war is not against the Republic. It waits for us, beyond the Outer Rim. And he has gone to fight it, in his own way.He left the Ebon Hawk and its machines behind, for he knew he would not need them.And, like you, he knew he must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them. Because such attachments are not the way of the Jedi, and they would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where he now walks. It would have helped had he made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did." Kreia: "You must go where Revan did, into the Unknown Regions, where the Sith, the true Sith, wait in the dark for the great war that comes. It is because he remembered what lay buried here - this place, its teachings. It paved the way to Korriban, you know, the remnants here. And he came because Malachor, like Korriban, lies on the fringes of the ancient Sith Empire, where the true Sith wait for us, in the dark. Have we? You thought that the corrupted remnants of the Republic, the machines spawned by technology that Revan led into battle were the Sith? You are wrong. The Sith is a belief. And its empire, the true Sith Empire, rules elsewhere.And Revan knew the true war is not against the Republic. It waits for us, beyond the Outer Rim. And he has gone to fight it, in his own way.He left the Ebon Hawk and its machines behind, for he knew he would not need them.And, like you, he knew he must leave all loves behind as well, no matter how deeply one cares for them. Because such attachments are not the way of the Jedi, and they would only bring doom to them both in the dark places where he now walks. It would have helped had he made her understand. But she was always strong-willed, that one, and did not understand war as Revan did. Because I did not know where he had gone. If he had asked... would I have gone? I do not know.But he will need warriors, Sith and Jedi, any who can be sent after him into the depths of space, any who know the way.Perhaps you shall go there with him, and do battle at the end of all things." This is the conclusion of TSL. It's not so easy to just ignore, because then what was the point of Kreia revealing all that. Well, by the time TSL begins, Revan has been gone for four years already. What has been doing during that time? I always expected we'd see a new game set a few years after TSL, where the true Sith threaten the Republic and Revan and the exile turn out to have worked tirelessly for years to prevent the fall of the Republic. Alas, I fear that will never happen now, save in a comic book or a novel, or even as part of throwaway comments in TOR.
  13. 1. Actually, the average age of gamers is now about 30 years of age, which means you can market games to adults. Hence games like GTA and Manhunt. However, it also means that game plots cannot be as convenient anymore, because adult gamers won't abide the sort of plots you might be able to sell to teenagers. 2. You misunderstand. My point is that the whoever would write the game would not write two plots - one for Revan and one for the exile - in one game, and so if both characters had to be an option, it would be a plot that fits both, and which would make it less interesting. It's not a question of who the characters are, but of what sort of the plot the game writers would come up with as a result. As for starting over, you seem to be only one here voicing support for that idea, and that is on a board of fans heavily dedicated to KotOR, since we would otherwise probably not read and post here. I'm not going to argue against a third, new character who meets Revan and exile late in the game, however, since that is a suggestion I've made myself in the past. Because of the MMO, I don't believe there is any possibility of that now, though. Sadly. Note: You haven't witnessed extreme fanboyism over Revan or exile?!? Oh, lucky, lucky you...
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