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About Nagash

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. You can also use an adhesive grenades, they are priceless in this fights
  2. For me, jedi are mages. I'm by no means an expert in oriental culture but i cannot imagine samurai who cast lightnings
  3. Explode GOTO but first cut him to the little pieces.
  4. HK with his "Can I kill him now, master? I would like ever so much to crush his neck. Just a little. It is a long-time fantasy of mine" line
  5. Daggerfall, Betrayal at Krondor , Final Fantasy 8 - great games from the ancient times
  6. some of them have only one version of clothes. Only these starting with "P_MAL" or "P_FEM" are supposed to be used by player and have different variant of clothes (i may be wrog but i think that's the problem)
  7. use a kotor savegame editor. you can download it from starwarsknights.com
  8. Is there any other way to extract baran do sage robe textures from game files rather than using the KotorTool ? (last time i've installed frameworks ended with reinstalling xp). I found some tools from NWN but they're only good for viewing files and crash when i try to extract something.
  9. I use green on single saber and 2 reds when dual
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