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Everything posted by Kaikara

  1. ^^ That may be true, but why don't Obsidian go the way of Valve and distribute an 'expansion pack' (with the missing content and more) with a similar system to Steam. The 'expansion pack' could cost from $5-$10 (within the price range of a premium mod for Neverwinter Nights, they could even emulate the system Bioware used ), and this low price could be simply achieved by the fact there would be no packaging distribution costs etc. If ony it weren't Star Wars, that way Obsidian would be able to do their own thing without LucasArts strangling them........
  2. I couldn't think of a suitable name for my KOTOR characters due to the star wars nature (why is it sooo much easier in NWN?), so I used the random name generator and ended up with (on KOTOR 2)....Raynar Zild. A truly legendary name, especially for my 2nd EVER male character in an RPG (gotta love those hot elf/half elf chicks lol).
  3. I generally play a ranger, just because I love using ranged weapons . I also love dual wielding from early on with ambi-dexterity (later on you also just HAVE to try out Drizzt esque dual scimitars :D ). As a prestige class later on I generally play arcane archer (did I mention I'm always elf or half elf with my rangers ), good old arrow of death is such a kewl thing to shout out even if you know it only has a 10% chance of hitting I also like playing a sneaky rogue character, now and then.......sneak attack
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