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Posts posted by Sking

  1. Aha!!!!


    Took me like 30 minutes but I was able to figure out what happened. The attack directly after a successful retaliate is sharing the retaliate accuracy. Take Garodh's Chorus off your Ranger and you should no longer see this accuracy fluctuation. 


    I'll also get a bug in for this, though being so minor we might not get to it.


    I got your back



    [Edit] Twinned Arrows combined with Driving Flight is also causing a 10 point accuracy loss every other shot. Adding it to my bug report. We hope to get a fix in a future patch.

    • Like 2
  2. Hey Ronin@,


    I'm going to guess you are a Wood Elf and also have the Marksman Talent. This could account for some of the 'randomness' in your accuracy rolls. I'll also give this some love and see if I can figure out why your Twined Arrow shots are rolling different Accuracy rolls. Which should probably never be the case.


    - Can you upload your save file for me?


    I got your back


  3. Hey knech,


    Having multiple instances of PoE up at the same time can cause issues like this. We've taken preventive measures by not allowing players to run multiple instances of the client at the same time. But... people can access different versions of the game simultaneously which pull saves from the same place and will corrupt the data. After this point the saves are not saveable 'no pun intended'. I know this is not the answer you were looking for, but hopefully now that you know the cause for sure you can avoid it in the future.




  4. Hey Bubbles,


    After a little bit of love, I've decided you are correct. The spell is not functioning as intended. It is just doing 10 damage no matter what endurance the enemy is at. My bet is it is trying to pull from the health values (which will always be almost full or not exist). I've put a bug in, hopefully we can get a fix in a future patch.


    I got your back


    • Like 2
  5. Hey imacken,


    Definitely recommend grabbing Eder (by the tree in Gilded Vale). Not only is he a great tank, his banter is top notch. Also hit up some of the side quests in Gilded Vale before heading through Caed Nua.

    Aside from these 'just avoid the problem' suggestions,

    some combat tips;

    - Switch Kana to his estoc after firing once with his arquebus, try to keep him alive along enough to get a summon off

    - Give Durrance some actual armor (DR is your best friend early game). Get an Armor of Faith off as soon as the combat starts.

    - Have Aloth/Cipher/Kana's first rifle shot hit the same target and focus it down first

    - Assuming you've grabbed Eder (he is like so hot right now) get him infront and spam knockdown.

    - There is a pot right when you enter the room, search it before combat.


    Good luck adventurer



    Post Script - Don't forget to flank ;)

    • Like 2



    I am great Pillars of Eternity fan, i very like the game (5th. my top10 rpg list), and thank you Obsidian for this awesome game! So i wait the Pillars of Eternity 2.

    My first questions:

    - When come? :)

    - PoE 1 PC charachter import to 2? (Need yes!)

    - Romance options? (Like Baldur's Gate 2)


    Thanks the answers! :)



    Hey Daermon (you beautiful fan you),


    First I have a question for you. What 4 games are you placing ahead of Pillars of Eternity?


    Also curious




    Hey Sking! :)


    My list:

    1. Witcher 1-3

    2. Baldur's Gate 1-2

    3. Final Fantasy 8

    4. Dragon Age - Origins

    5. Pillars of Eternity


    Hey, Sking, just a reminder; You have your answer, now OP and the rest of us awaits yours ;)


    Haha, these answers are past my pay grade. 


    Sorry guys.

    • Like 6
  7. Hey Achilles,


    From your screenshots it seems that only the Grazes are not following our 'best of' rules. I'm going to look into a little bit more and get a bug in.


    Thanks for bringing this up



    Edit - This is actually just a cosmetic issue in the combat log. If the damage you do is so low that both types would be doing the minimum amount then the damage type will not switch.

    Example: you attack a dragon with a crush/pierce weapon > you hit for 10 against the dragons Crush DR = 14 and Pierce DR = 10 > you will do x.xx Crush even though Pierce is the lower DR, because either damage type will be the same. 

    • Like 2
  8. Hello!


    I am great Pillars of Eternity fan, i very like the game (5th. my top10 rpg list), and thank you Obsidian for this awesome game! So i wait the Pillars of Eternity 2.

    My first questions:

    - When come? :)

    - PoE 1 PC charachter import to 2? (Need yes!)

    - Romance options? (Like Baldur's Gate 2)


    Thanks the answers! :)

    Hey Daermon (you beautiful fan you),


    First I have a question for you. What 4 games are you placing ahead of Pillars of Eternity?


    Also curious


    • Like 10

    I've always felt this kind of mechanic in games to be more of a gate limiting 'open world exploration' rather than something fun. That being said I'm a huge Pokemon fan, so maybe there is something to it. 

    In Pokémon, to light an area, you have to take one of your pokes and teach it a useless move that can't easily be forgotten, forever crippling it.

    PoE has no such restriction.


    I'm not the developer, though. So maybe you see things others can't.


    I meant more along the lines of areas being blocked by rocks, trees, blackouts, etc.. until you find a certain move/item to progress. To your other point of crippling a Pokemon with the Light move. Most games with light mechanics require a torch/flashlight which can also cripple a character. But like I said, I love those games so maybe there is something cool about the 'pitch black dungeon' aspect of games.

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