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Posts posted by Sking

  1. Hey (you serendipitous group of gamers)


    Individual Stealth is in the game as of the 2.0 patch (If I remember correctly). The best way to use Backstab (In my opinion); is to sneak your Rogue off to the side, while starting the combat with a long ranged attack from a different character (my favorite being a Wizard stacking Rolling Flame with Crackling Bolt). Your Rogue should remain in Stealth and can move around the mess of the frontline fighters and hit the ranged/casters in the back with Backstab for at least 2 attacks. If you buff your Dex and use two weapons you can get upwards of 4 attacks in with Backstab. Once the enemies notice the Rogue Shadowing Beyond or cast Withdraw/Beetle Shell on him/her. 


    I got your backs


    • Like 3


    So maybe I should dump that ogre. Really high security, but a big prestige negative. 

    Don't you dare drop Kograk. You made a deal, that if he left that town alone he could stay with you.


    "Break a deal, spin the wheel."

    - Sking



    O as a Dev you should know this: you can make the deal and then kill him.  He wiil still be in your stronghold and you can still turn in his head to the farmer for a positive result. There is also another instance where you can do this but I cant remember atm


    O ya its the ogres in WM. Make the deal, kill them, and then everyone acts like you didn't.


    Haha, I meant it more as a moral choice not to break your word. 

    • Like 2
  3. Wish I saw this post sooner,


    All the companions have something to add to the end game, well except for GM. She is almost completely disregarded, lol. So bring the rest. Durance's interaction with his precious god is really great. Getting the most out of the story though...? Having a high cruel level (at least 2 I believe) actually adds a really awesome element to the end game you wouldn't get otherwise. 


    Good luck

    • Like 1
  4. Hey Treemuh89,


    Follow these steps and you should be golden;

    1. Copy the contents of the DVD to a Folder on your Desktop (Name the Folder "Pillars")

    2. Create a new Folder on your Desktop (Name it "tmp")

    3. Open your Terminal

    4. Type in "cat ~/Desktop/Pillars/PillarsOfEternity.tar.gz.* > ~/Desktop/tmp/PillarsOfEternity.tar.gz"

    5. Click the resulting file in your tmp folder (it will open in the Archive Manager)

    6. Drag'n Drop the file from the Archive Manager to your Desktop


    Let me know if these instructions do not work.

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