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Everything posted by LifeStar

  1. It's one of the quests that you can do to get Mandolare's approval. You have to had talked with the Mandolarian captain near the entrance of the camp. Ask him about the beasts in the forests and eventually he'll mention one of the biggest, the Degkalare (sp?) I think. Tell him that you will prove to him that you can kill it by bringing back its ear. When you go outside and speak with Darvel, refuse his challenge, and suggest that you and him go out and kill that beast. This will earn you light side points, as well as gain the favor of the other mandolarians in the camp. Darvel will thank you and you get more points than just simply killing him.
  2. Wait a minute... that doesn't make sense. It was Malak who ordered Saul to attack Telos wasn't it? In KOTOR I after you realize you're actually Revan, there's that big conference meeting of all the characters and Carth tries to blame you for Telos. Then Canderous pipes in and says that "everyone knows that it was Malak who attacked Telos" and thus absolves Revan of that crime. Maybe that's why they took that bit of dialogue out... it wasn't consistent with the original game's explanation of events.
  3. I think there is a version of the KOTOR II male exile's head in the game. It's the bald white face that has a scar near one of the eyes. The bad thing though is the artist's renditions of this face in the game is nothing close to the posters and official paintings. Too bad I would say b/c if they had made a head closer to the official male exile face, then I wouldn't be wondering about transferring KOTOR I heads over. Overall I have to say that most of the heads in KOTOR II, even the NPC's heads aren't really that well done. I was hoping for the Atris head to look smoother and more natural, closer to the official pic of her on the website. Oh well, guess you can't ask too much of computer pixels.
  4. Cool! We got a developer to put in some input! I'm sorry to say that I'm one of those who didn't like the new male heads in TSL, especially the asian ones. They all kinda lacked that modern asian man look, gel, parting, and all. The ones in TSL kinda look like Bruce Lee wannabes...and those typical asian gang people you see in the 1970s... Either case, thanks for ideas on how to change the heads!
  5. When my PC male puts on a Jey or Zha armor robe, I've noticed that he can't hold his lightsaber with both hands. The second hand sorta comes close to the hilt, but doesn't actually grab it. Looks kinda weird & funny. The PC female when she those robes on doesn't have this issue. Did the developes make the PC male's arms too short or something?
  6. Hmm... okay, I'm gonna have to check those out then. I just found it interesting if anything, plus it's nice to have some sort of sound response from my PC now, even though she sounds like Bastilla's twin now. :D
  7. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's new dialogue. This Bastilla sound set has her sounding sorta frustrated when you tab over to her, like as though the character is more fatigued than KOTOR's version. I'm definitely curious as to the purpose of creating a NPC sound set for Bastilla, esp. since they never made one for Carth. Was it possible to use her for some sort of quest, maybe something on Telos or Korriban depending on your alignment?
  8. Just wondering, I know there are some people who've released mods for PC heads, but is it possible to transfer over KOTOR PC heads to TSL? I've found the selection of PC heads in TSL limited and also unattractive. Don't even get me started on the asian heads! Any ideas?
  9. Has anyone noticed that if you go to the KOTOR 2 official web site that the voice of the light side Jedi sounds an awful like Kreia's voice? I know for the dark side choices you make, you begin to hear Darth Sion's voice. However, I'm not sure what to make of the light side Jedi's voice. I originally thought it was Atris' voice, but after playing TSL it sounds like Kreia! Why would they do that considering Kreia is so adamant on being neutral for most of the game and then goes total dark side at the end? I'm confused!
  10. So one of the games I'm currently playing has the PC as a female Jedi. One thing I've noticed about TSL vs. KOTOR is that your PC doesn't have a voice. Every time you tab over to your character, he/she doesn't respond with "What?" or "Yes?", while your NPCs will say something like "What is it?". So I decided to see what would happen if I attempted to assign a voice for my female PC using the KSE program. I noticed that one of the options was Bastilla's voice. I wasn't sure what I'd get, but as I've been playing with this voice, it sounds like the actress for Bastilla recorded new dialogue. Obsidian apparently didn't use the original sound files for Bastilla from KOTOR, but have new dialogue assoiciated with the character. Any ideas why Obsidian would do this considering Bastilla barely appears throughout the game? I noticed that there wasn't a Carth sound set, so does this suggest that Bastilla might have been a playable NPC too?
  11. I'd say they did an "OK" job with the job. Though I understand how tough it is to release a game in one year, but quality should never be sacrificed for the deadline. Esp. if those bugs are considered "show stoppers." I work at a software company myself and do a lot of quality assurance on my company's products. Bugs like these where the program crashes within a certain time frame, performance begins to bog down, and other errors that are not the user's fault would never be acceptable to my company. Primarily b/c we care about our reputation and the last thing we need is to give people reasons to not buy our software, or worst yet complain about it so much that it gives us a bad reputation for our future releases. Either case, Obsidian & LA should never allowed more time to develop this and do more quality testing. The story definitely should have not been cut as much, but the reality of so many bugs in the code is most unacceptable in my opinion.
  12. Okay, that makes sense then. Thanks for the info.
  13. Just out of curiosity, was the original KOTOR's music in stero and all? I don't remember people getting worked up over its quality, but at the same time since the TSL obviously has many flaws (including the plot), it's only natural for people to comb over every mistake. I would just like to know if anyone has compared the two games sound wise because if Obsidian simply received the core code from BIOware, it's possible that the sound quality would match b/c they went along with the BIOware model. IF Bioware did the same thing with their music (a la mono and low bit rate, etc).
  14. Oh I haven't tried that, but why does it work with the cheat console and not upgradeable if you add the items through KSE? Is there a setting that turns on when you receive an item normally or through the cheat console?
  15. Has anyone been able to upgrade any items you put into your inventory with the KSE editor? I've noticed that if I put a lightsaber on my PC at the start of the game, I'm not able to upgrade it at all. The same goes with a robe that I put in the inventory too. However, if I use a mod that allows me to get a lightsaber with the laser torch at the beginning of the game, I can upgrade that lightsaber if I find a work bench. Is there a way to upgrade personally added items from the KSE editor in the game?
  16. It may have been the sound drivers, but after updating the video drivers I haven't had those stinkin' crashes like I did last week. There was something said about making sure on nvidia that I use the 1.4+ GL(or something graphic related) software too. Don't know if that makes much sense, but my game isn't crashing as before.
  17. I found a guide on one of the other forum topics that highlighted some possible solutions. One of them was to go and install the latest drivers for the video card. I tried that on my Geforce card and right now the game is running smoothly for the most part. It still is exhibiting that 30 - 60 min bug crash that others have noted, but the extreme lag and 5 min crashes have not occurred. It seems that part of it is definitely with the video drivers. I hope Obsidian really comes out to improve the games stability.
  18. What's driver cleaner pro? Where would I get that?
  19. It's actually noted in their release notes on the CD. The devs know that if you stay at a level for about 30 - 60 minutes, your chances of crashing increase higher and higher. It's the safe bet to save every so often so you don't find yourself having to do everything over again. Usually if you get to transition to a new level, other location where the game does an auto-save, I've seen it work fine. It's those extra long levels. Either case, hope that helps.
  20. Hmm... I'll give that a try. The more I look into this issue, it seems to be related to the frame rate problems people have mentioned.
  21. I'm assuming this patch is full of bug fixes and not adding new content right? Either case, I'll be happy if they get my games to stop crashing every 5 minutes!
  22. If you get the pacifist module, is there any way to keep it permanent in HK-47? Not that I want him to be too peacefully, but the dialogue was a riot!
  23. I've tried your suggestions, but the game stil bogs and crashes. It looks like it's a mixture of frame rates dropping primarily, which then affects the audio too. I just don't understand what changed to cause this to happen now. Any other ideas on how to diagnose this?
  24. My system specs are: Processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.00GHz L2 On-board Cache : 512kB ECC synchronous ATC System Mainboard : Intel Corporation D875PBZ Front Side Bus Speed : 4x 200MHz (800MHz data rate) Installed Memory : 1023MB Video System: SyncMaster 173T/177T,SyncMaster Magic CX700T/CX710T Adapter : NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra Physical Storage Devices CDRW: Lite-ON LTR-52327S DVD : JLMS XJ-HD166S Hard Disk (C:) : 160.0GB Sound card: Creative SB Audigy Operating System(s): Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 Adapter : Intel® PRO/1000 CT Network Connection
  25. Has anyone else encountered this? I had just finished playing the game straight through, beat the game. I wanted to play again, so I started up a new game with a new PC. However, the game has been constantly crashing after I've started. While before it would be about an hour or so of play that I would have to save the game and get ready for a crash, now it's happening at the very start of the missions! First the audio begins to clip, the frame rate drops to 0, and my HD is churning! I don't understand, the first time through I didn't encounter all these problems, now I can barely get the game to work for 5 min before it bombs on me. I've even tried to uninstall and reinstall the game last night, but that didn't work either! Help!
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