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About halethrain

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. "Casual" player here. Everyone, especially Sensuki, your opinions are just that: opinions. Stop bandying them around as facts and stop speaking for casual players as if we are all of the same mind. Also, "successor" and "feels" are highly subjective terms. The fact that none of you can agree on what does and doesn't make this game "feel" like IE should tell you exactly how impossible it will be for Obsidian to deliver on this promise.
  2. You have a lot of great points in this video; I agree with absolutely everything. From a production standpoint it would be nice if you synced up your audio to video in post instead of trying to do everything in real-time. The fact that you were able to speak so eloquently for an hour without break is pretty fantastic (seriously great job), but don't be afraid to record in segments and stitch together the audio. If you want to avoid weird dead-airs or audio distinctively cutting back in just record a few minutes with your mic of your room when its silent and use that as a backing track. You do a really fantastic job in your testing, understanding the problems with the game and providing pointed, meaningful, and well researched feedback on how to fix them. Seriously, great work.
  3. A beta is supposed to have bugs. That's the definition of beta: feature complete, and testing for bugs/optimizations. The problem here is that everyone's expectations are not based on the reality of software development. Everyone here seems to believe that they were getting a 5-hour demo, not a beta.
  4. I immediately went with a Death Godlike. The fact that they are off-putting was actually the entire reason I chose the race. More to the point, they're unlike anything I've played before and I am interested in seeing how the world reacts to them. The very fact that the model was off-putting has also made me more inclined to be more evil than I normally would.
  5. While I agree with you, I'd like to point out that a lot of people here have probably played through BG/BG2 a ridiculous number of times
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