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About silence

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. Try lucasforums.com, it has a large community and the forum is all about lucas arts games, old & new. And there is also a forum only about Star Wars.
  2. Remember the rakshasa, which was locked in this box, which you had to carry to the hutt on tattoine, where that rodian on korriban told you not to look into it! That was a freakin (w00t) quest!
  3. Dont know if this was written before, but after patching the game it crashes always in the character creation option, with no escape with alt+tab and other. Got to say, that before patching i dont had have such one problem. Edit: It crash also ingame after a couple of minutes playing without error, only a restart is possible.
  4. Only think what could happen after that in the game industry. Companys were pulling out there games not finished, full of bugs only to get money and when the players are happy with that, there will be some pathces and et voila. And if there were a "alot" of players outside like you, (nothing personal) then at first we would get the "beta" version and after a couple of months there would be the "deluxe mega kick arse" version for the exactly price like the one before, which had to be the one after. I would also preffer, that they put the content into the game, but not for the price, which i had payed once for it.
  5. CNN Breaking News: Today, one of the most "exciting" game developer companys, Obsidian Entertainent, was captuered trough a TaskForce Team by the FBI "&" CIA for disturbing the national security. "This had to be done alot time before the rumors had started in the country," an Insider told us. An other executive member told us, that the OE crew was locked in a room with keysystem, with no chance to escape for them. They had 12 PCs (1/2 ati nvidia amd intel win linux) and 24 self purchased version of TSL. They were so long locked, till this game will operate nearly 99,99% bugfree on each system. So the only hope for us is, that they really take care of the Problem and that we as ppl of this big nice state can go safely out without been hit by falling TSL Packs out of windows. Good Night :ph34r:
  6. Maybe the best for the next Kotor would be, that the story from 1 & 2 isnt a multiple choice like question and answer game. The story had to be written and locked, so that it can explain what exactly had happens in the games before. Maybe some people would be pissed off of this( :ph34r: whose knows :ph34r: ), but its the only way to give some serious explanaitons, what had happen in the galaxy, to the rakhshasas, revan, the exile, the true sith empire, your folks,... But than at the end of the third game, there can be at last 2 or 3 (one for the grey) endings, but at last still one had a small LA sign in the bottom right corner which tells, that that is the official ending which is supported by LA for the expanded universese or/and other "kotor" games.
  7. :ph34r: A (wo)man, a (many) WordS! :ph34r: It would be nice if you can get a look at the stats of your members, when youre inside the hawk.
  8. Yes, why not. After beating the game to cheat some stuff to look, whats all ingame or to check out what to buy next time when starting the game, but then plz dont make it so, that there is standing "you used cheats" like in kotor1. Not that it was a big problem, but it sucked. :ph34r:
  9. Not so, that she turns at half of the game to badness, she would always been bad, but hide under the mask of pure humanity, like palpatine, so she could open the way for the PC to switch him to dark side.
  10. it's safe to assume that Bandon killed Trask. Ok, we're not actually told, but that's what we're meant to think. I know that leaves the possibility open, however Trask was really no more than a "training" character to familiarize the player with the controls. Plus, he shouts too much! hehe. I doubt people would want him to return. I hope he comes back so I can kill him personally. The Hero and Trask are fighting infront of the temple, where one (or the sithlord) is (are) hidding, a awesome fight, then in the moment which seems that trask will lose, revan, came around and disturbs, to safe trask, how he safed him on the ship. ... :ph34r: :D <_< :angry: :ph34r:
  11. :ph34r: :ph34r: Would be nice to have chars, which are powerfull as the whole jediorder together B) But maybe the solve would be, if is making so, that when you beat the game the first time, that you haven
  12. Yeah, sure would be s*** if that would so ingame, but hey hey, its enough time to change the part. :ph34r:
  13. The way shes looking, thats why she only can be evil. The eyes, cold, but powerfull, like an snowstorm. And then this sneer, so that shes only waiting for to take youre head. At least, look at the sithmask, only a woman with perfect hairstyle, would have such as cap. "Oh my hair" , cold but trendy. No man would ever wear such stuff.
  14. One guy is forgotten totally in this thread. Whats about Trask Orduno, (if its his right name) its never been said when you confrotate Bandon, that he has killed him. So Banden can had beaten him and taken him with his, to manipulate him and send him back to the republic to have a spy there. :ph34r: *talk nonsense* He can be the one, who has betrayed the republic army to the sith after he came back, so the sith has known all their strategies.
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