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Everything posted by Handel

  1. This is another bugged subquest. The airthing is sabotaged even if you don't touch it at all. Andwhat about the "more" places you can explore? You can go to the exactly same places as before. And you have to walk a lot to get to the airthingy, so it is practically useless for moving between the places.
  2. I mean getting Mira, not Hanharr in the party. I know Hanharr gives +1 constitution boost, but you can have either him ot Mira - and the light characters can get only Mira. About the T3 droid - I think you can boost only IT'S stats through influence/repair/computer, but not yours. So it remains only HK-47 - but it seems to me his influence gaines are bugged. But still - how much you can gain from him?
  3. With just 3 influence increases you get his... err....it's whole story - GO-TO is the missing Ithorian droid from Telos, who no one knows how become the big badass of the Exchange. Extremely stupid indeed. And he posts a reward for capturing you just to tak to you to save the Republic, but tells you the Republic cannot be saved because the destruction of Pegasus. And of course the destruction of Pegasus happened because of his reward for you... And why the hell he will post a reward for you - "enough big to buy a whole planet" when he could just send his hologram to talk to you? And how he(it) did find out about you and when the rewar is posted, when the first assassn droid found out you by chance? No one knew about you and you were Mr None until Pegassus? This whole thing is the stupidest story I've ever heard:-(
  4. Which stats can be raised permanently having Mira in the party through influence? For the main character only.
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