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Everything posted by Majin

  1. hoo boy. going by memory here, but i'll do my best to explain. long story short, "arcane spellcasting" in deadlands was heavily tied to poker. prof hoyle was a game enthusiast and occultist, and he traveled the world, writing Hoyle's Book of Games. the book served as a manual for poker, but hoyle also used various codes and tricks to hide his arcane secrets in the books. some picked up on it, and the popular method to actually "cast" the spells was to mentally duel a demon in a game, poker being the popular method. in the game mechanics, the arcane spells had varying effects, based on poker hand rankings. (minimal high card to a flush or whatever) higher levels spells required higher rankings to even work (full house minimum, for example). you could get bonuses and penalties to how many cards you could draw. when the time came, you drew a hand, and if you met the requirements, the spell was cast.
  2. *ahem*
  3. lawful evil. I value my way, and use it to further altruistic goals or to deliberately gain my happiness at the expense of others who i feel are not conducting themselves as they should. gotta love schadenfreude. :D :ph34r:
  4. str- 9. i'm not the most physical, but i've seen worse than me. dex- 9. see previous. con- 10. probably stretching it, considering the amount of repairs i've gone through. int- 15. my ranks in slacker are a big thing thats holding me back. wis- 14. i'd like to think so, anyway. chr- 14. counting personality as well as looks, i can be highly influential and persuasive when necessary.
  5. i like to think i've gotten the "dark wizard that broods while traveling with a party" down to an artform. for example, dm: you enter the new inn and... ranger: i go to the bar fighter: i go to a table cleric: i follow him me: i go brood.
  6. in no particular order -d20 star wars. the kotor inspired campaign i'm gm-ing at the moment is the longest running thing we've had in a while, oddly enough. -d&d 3.5 -mutants & masterminds. for what it's worth, for as much as the idea makes sense, i can't stand "step" damage systems. where as you get damaged, your abilities decrease. makes sense, just doesn't work with us. gimme hp's any day. -the buffy/angel rpg setting, forget the name for the rules. another one with a goofy damage system though. it's utterly insane that certain character types, when they take lethal damage, make a roll. you pass, you stay up. you take another hit, you roll again, then if you fail, roll to pass out etc. assuming we even have the rules right to begin, theoretically some things can make it to past negative 150 life. honorable mention to -aberrant. we started playing this in anticipation of the last marvel rpg that came out, but for some reason, dropped it like the plague. -the last marvel rpg they released. points for trying a diceless system, even if the rest of the rules sucked. -deadlands. i absolutely LOVE this setting. and for as cool as the idea was to use a real deck of cards to determine spellcasting, maybe it's just us, but the rules sunk in.
  7. magic users, far as classes go, and generally the kind that like to "make things go kablooey". i want to try a counter-speller in d&D 3.5 though, but that would require a group that actually plays a campaign past *gasp* 6th level. doesn't happen much with my friends anymore. <_< *looks over to the brand new complete arcane collecting dust* *sigh* :'( for races, usually human, but if possible, the more demonic/devilish/whatever the better.
  8. please keep the jedi and sith as a major factor to knights of the old republic. for the fans of the force users, they're the only games we have, unless they resurrect jedi academy, which was an action game anyway. i don't touch commando or galaxies or rogue squadron. thanks for pointing out the force thing in galaxies btw. not that i play mmorpg's anyway, but that clinches it. the advantage to keeping the series in the old republic era is that there's so much room to play with the story, BUT, the force users are generally considered to be stronger than the movie era or new jedi era. on that note, it's nice to be the focus of the story, but revan and the exile were just too powerful. tone the pc down a bit in the future, he/she doesn't have to be teh uber superhero. can't please everyone though i guess. on the jedi note, to be honest with you, i race through the first planet in kotor to get to dantooine. (although wandering around the fields outside gets to be dreadful). in kotor 2, you start out a jedi, kinda, but again it's a matter of racing through your first 7 levels until you get to really interact with anything. they do make you earn the lightsabre though...things got to be like candy in kotor... i'd be happy being a jedi/sith at the start of the game, but just tone down the power level.
  9. supposed to be good, but incredibly short, like 10 hours give or take.
  10. like i said, depends on how he's handled. if they tone down his style from the cartoon (which they can do and still keep him fast) shouldn't be any problems. but it will look...odd...if they have him jumping around like a monkey with lightsabres.
  11. i swear i read something like this recently in a gaming magazine, i need to dig it up. the steps described sound familiar, you find the guy, and talking to him unlocks a cheat menu. could have been an april fools thing now that i think about it, but i know i read an article mentioning it.
  12. is this the guy that's supposed to unlock some weird cheat mode?
  13. curious to see grievous in action myself, depending on how he's handled compared to clone wars. but i'm not so hot on seeing a giant cgi droid fighting like a hyper-active monkey against real actors.
  14. no biggie, i see what you're saying, i think. but in sion's case i think the pain came as a result of his evil, for what it's worth.
  15. agreed. never thought of it as a holy war, s'interesting way to put it. i like jedi/sith aspect, the rest just strikes me as a sci-fi space setting. i like the stuff that focuses on the jedi and sith, kotor, jedi academy, etc. i won't touch the starfighter games, rogue squadron, stuff like that. i do have a few toys just started looking into the comics. i still have my episode I double-edged lightsabre "toy". :ph34r: i have gone to sleep after late nights of kotor over-anylizing the sith code and philosophy though.
  16. darth sion, in the sense that i'm also 1) physically damaged (my back specifically) and could use some fixing 2) driven by hate 3) obsessed with power. hey, you asked. "
  17. the show's just a wee bit too disturbing at times for me, is all. :ph34r:
  18. you had the moth guy from venture bros, right?
  19. at least you changed your avatar. i didn't say a thing about the state of the game istelf. i happen to like the old republic setting, and a good bit of the characters, sion in particular. and *gasp* i like pencil and paper rpgs, so OH NOES!!!1 if i mix the two so my friends and i can have some fun. so bloody sue me.
  20. <wishful thinking> i like the concept behind sion. the idea to him knowing about facing the exile was to plan ahead. sure, he'll try and fight the exile, but with his obsession for power, he may even think he can still beat him. but he's essentially immortal anyway, as long as his hate is strong enough. it just takes him, a, um, lot longer to come back, sometimes. yeah, that's it. " but about the "lost will" thing. do we know that's necesarrily the case? with sion having the knowledge to plan ahead, he sets up an escape plan. said escape plan being the sion:"(crap, this guy kicking my tail, i gotta get outta here.) it has been so long since i have felt anything but hate. gaaaaaah. exile: woo, he's finally dead. moving along. spirit sion: now to wait for those the spirits told me about to reassembe my lightsabre.
  21. i don't remember the specifics, but i'm going by what sion says during the final encounter. may have just been a ds option (haven't beaten it ls) but he mentions something along the lines that the dark side won't let him die. so the dark side may be a bit more controlling/demanding. i don't know if it's just eu or not, but for example how the dark side is supposed to start making up for the early advances in power, by taking a physical toll on the user later in life.
  22. not that many options for sion though.
  23. i came up with this pretty much as a way to play sion. it's not official, but close enough. oh, and if you do read that, stop at the last "silliness warning".
  24. Of course, as long as you gave the PC the choice of throwing him down on the ground, jumping on top of him and saying something along the lines of... "Why don't you just SHOW me, you big strong horny fellow! That's an order, solider!"... I would be perfectly happy with that. You could even fade to black like they did with the whole Basti-kissing thing in KotOR. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the mental picture isn't so bad when you imagine bao-dur reacting with the "what's going on heyah?" line and delivery from the kreia encounter in the sith cave on korriban. and yeah, visas and handmaiden would get smacked around by bastilla. i've only played both games the whole way through as dark side so far. one of the better parts of kotor, imho, was guiding bastilla down the "proper" path, even before the whole revan reveal. first time through k2 as ds, i focused on handmaiden. and the exile: could you put some clothes on? handmaiden: why? it doesn't seem to bother you. exchange was worth it alone. second time through i focused more on visas, and got the "force sex". (which i take it doesn't happen with a female exile?) even though i never would have made the connection if not for reading it here, i still think that came off better. but visas as submissive? didn't strike me as such. at least atton is only one who undergoes a personality shift if you get him dark side. :cool: handmaiden, even after she pledges herself to you, still bitches if you kill someone. <_< mira is easy on the eyes, but the voice acting, the idon'tlikeitinashipineedtogetbacktonarshadaa delivery gets old reeeaaal quick. and about bringing your companions to the dark side. it's interesting that atton, disciple and the exile (male or female) will get more of an "undead" look to them, while mira and handmaiden go "goth". not that i'm complaining.
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