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Posts posted by witchzenka

  1. One of the most annoying things to me about the ending (other than everything after Danto) was the fact no matter what side you came out on DS/LS as a female you got Krieas response about a certain party would sit reluctantly on the council as all good men do - only problem is that this person was as evil as I could make him(dark red) - how is he a good man then??!!


    My ds female ending ended up with this guy leaving behind the Jedi and all it stands for, and joining the Senate. Kreia said "A heart can only take so many betrayals."

    If we're talking about the same guy - the only one I've ever been told will sit on the new Jedi Council, reluctantly, as all good men do.

  2. "And who came up with the Disciple anyway? Is that what men think women really want in a man? Because: no."

    Yes! I had a long argument with someone on another board about that (a male) who insisted the Dsiciple was the better deal.

    If he was my only romance choice, I'd have to kill him - no sense of humor. I can't live without that.

    I have a crush on Bao-Dur - but I have one on Sion too. And Atton. (Not that I'm easy...) And before anyone accuses me of being pixel-sexual - it's not a "real" crush, like I'd have on a real person - more like the crush I had on Jareth forever.

    Anyway - ITA with what's being said on this thread. The almost-kinda-romance was not enough - make a real one if you are going to include one.

  3. Whoops - sorry to double post, but I wanted to talk about the Jedi Council. First, I think they had to be destroyed, only because their arrogance had led to the fall of Reven and Malak and all the Jedi who followed them in the first place, yet they could not admit this in an open and honest fashion and set things right.

    The new Jedi - your companions - have faced the dark side head on and do not have that same sense of "I am Jedi, therefore I am always right" that the Council did. Though I understand their fear of the Exile and what s/he represents - instead of trying to help the Exile or learn more about him/her (and thus about Nihilus, at the very least), they follow a sort of knee-jerk reaction to end the Exile's connection to the Force.

  4. I may have a different impression of Sion than others do...

    First - background on my perspective is that I have experience with people who have survived abuse. So, I see similarities in Sion's behavior to other incidences I've seen.

    I see a sort of complicated relationship with Kreia. He doesn't kill her on one hand because (I believe) he wants her to suffer. If you play a male Exile he mentions wanting to throw your corpse at her feet, it would be like killing her children. He also says (male or female) that he wants her to die with all she has built in shards at her feet - saying he wants her completely destroyed on every level before he kills her. On the other hand, it certainly seems possible that because of his relationship/feelings about Kreia he simply cannot kill her, that she possesses such a hold over his thoughts and feelings that he cannot destroy her directly however he may wish to.

    Like many abuse survivors - even as he hates her he craves her approval - resulting in a devouring jealousy of the male Exile, who has her approval. His relationship with the female Exile is a bit different - he is protective, in his own sick way.

    I do think he wasn't used enough to explore all that, though.

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