Recklessly Impressionable
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3.0 Beta Bug: DR not changing with Armor
Recklessly Impressionable posted a question in Patch Beta Bugs and Support
Personal specs:3.2 quad core amd with amd hd 7900 vid including the latest drivers. Win 7 x64 When switching chest armor, although the different damage specific resists (crush, slash, and etc) are changing correctly, the DR property stays the same. I'm getting no difference in DR whether i have armor on or not. The issue is uniform for the player created and story characters. The proper change of DR from switching shields is working fine. -
The game doesn't feel complete to me as well. If the new expansion added no new areas at all, but polished up the great game that wrecked and burned after the animancer trial, i'd actually buy it. The strength of PoE lies in the great job the writers have done on the companions; expanded companion quests and endings would be totally welcome. (also, actually fleshing out the new companions introduced in TWM) Also, more work could be done to make the existing game feel alive, adding to existing locations, rather than a constant combat oriented approach and dungeon crawling for uniques we don't need; ultimately fighting more boring trash mobs with annoying paralyze/stun skills. Obviously this is all subjective, but i mention it because i agree with the thread opener and Achilles asked for specifics Also, after the somewhat intersting and original PoE main story, to introduce such a generic and trite "legendary dwarven forge" scenario for TWM, feels like a lowly Tolkien or DnD knock off. In comparison to the main campaign, TWM comes off like petty tacked on questing as filler.
This kind of thinking misses the point so much it's painful to read. It's not about "immunities" as a buzz word, but the actual effect of any status effects to the game. A Wizard or Rogue, for example, during an important enemy encounter will be focused on dps and is not effected in the least by the lazy implimentations of this latest patch. Also, the enemy immunities added to this latest patch are not new immunities to the game but are simply a wall blocking off certain attacks utilized by the weakest classes in the game already. I'm making an argument against the latest patches effects in regards to the usefulness of certain classes not overall difficulty. Paladins are already decent tanks but offer lots of great spells to boot; also, Druids since they've gotten their extended animal form are decent short term tanks with a far superior dps than Fighters. (not even to mention their useful spells) This enemy immunities in this latest patch actually provoke less variety. The Adra dragon fight has been reduced to a stun only strategy from the player for just one example. Also, Charm spells which were weak already have been reduced to complete crap.
It's a video game, it's not a logic game, Breaking down the concept of a giant lizard and the specifics of how to damage it perhaps is as silly as trying to figure out why specific ogres provoke maggots to attack their adversaries. I didn't create this thread to aimlessly attack a game which i like alot, I'm simply trying to point out how this latest patch could have been focused on more practical issues, for example, possibly addressing that we don't have an option to disable auto-save, (the simplest of things) so our load menu doesn't take longer to access and isn't polluted with useless content.
Naturally i don't consider any "review" by any outlet anything but some random guys opinion. My argument it's so much of a whine about a class i like being less useful but an argument in defense of any given class to make it worth using so the game has more replay value; Fighters are still rubbish dispite their arbitrary upgrade most likely doled out to appease fans who were mad about the petty -10 deflection issue, Druids with their extended animal form are by far still better tanks than fighters on top of being greater dps deliverers with great buff/debuff abilites to boot. Also, Paladins are still useful tanks with their per encounter heal abilites to provide icing on the cake. Fighters are not only offering nothing now, but provide even scantier build options to utilize with their already nearly universal ineptitude.
Hello everyone, so first off, i don't post here much, but i have considering that i found some things i think vitally worthy of dicussion considering the games current state. So to kick things off, here's a video review of the latest version of PoE that i consider to be really well thought out by a person who has been thorough with their analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Polkiqr8gOo I like this game. Alot. I wouldn't have spent time analyzing it so much if i simply wanted to bash it, but the latest patch is profoundly amazing in its ridiculousness. Alot of enemies have been given certain immunities, but what practical effects do they actually have on the game? Giving so many enemies immunities to Knock Down and Barbaric Yell, are not inept, but completely cripple the build varieites of classes that aren't even among the strongest (Barb and Fighter) while having absolutely no effect on high dps classes. So what's the point? This latest patch claims to buff the Fighter by giving him an irrelevant plus 5 to deflection, (what?) yet actually destroys the practicallity of his knock down ability by making so many enemies immune that he's restricted to less skill variety for more efficiency minded players. This alone makes the latest patch totally arbitrary. I don't even use a Knock Down focused Fighter build so i'm not making this thread to complain, i'm just totally perplexed by this latest patch, when perhaps, time could be spent by the devs towards makings substantial changes in the game.