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Everything posted by Stilpon

  1. I wasn't expecting the Backer Beta not to come out for the Mac right away. The game is advertised to come out for windows, mac and linux so the initial windows exclusivity came as a surprise. I sure hope the Mac version isn't overlooked due to the smaller amount of people using it. Also, will there be a different thread for bugs on the Mac version? Are all bugs and issues platform independent or not?
  2. Please Obsidian, You can't just go around saying you'll be releasing the backer beta on August 18th and not releasing it at 00:01 hours. I can't wait!
  3. You guys think its bad for you? Try living in a GMT + 2 area (9 hours ahead of Pacific time) and waiting for this release since morning. PLEAAAASE JOSH SAWYER RELEASE THE GAME ALREADY
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