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About dairymilk

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  1. "Just remember, there are some people that can't even get the game running or even installed, while you are complaining about not being able to win the swoop race on Telos. (which is bugged and not worth complaining about, while the other swoop races are quite winnable, as far as i know, but i have never liked Kotor II swoop racing, it just doesn't do it for me like Kotor I swoop racing did." Okay...havent ever got angry during any of this but your reply has really got me going. "which is bugged and not worth complaining about" What a stupid statement?! The fact its bugged is why Im complaining, and only an idiot would accept spending money on an item which is actually broken and then actually speak out to stop people complaining. The fact you then try to use the fact that some people cant even install the game as an argument against me makes me laugh because you are just confirming the totally unacceptable situation. Im unhappy now, I would be seething If id bought a game that wouldnt even install and I would have every right to be. YOU and the FOOLS who play down these problems and have a go at the people complaining are actually the very reason that games companies (be it publiser or developer) can get away with producing unfinished, unacceptable rubbish. And where else would you like us to complain other than the forums. Clearly you either have no regard for the value of money and are happy to pay for things that dont work, or you simply consider that because you are satisfied with accepting something flawed, everybody else should be too.
  2. 'Worked' meant in the least literal sense possible. I have had no CTD errors ... my problem is the swoop racing and the fact I cant win races no matter what my time because of a scripting error. The manual says I can, but I cant, and I will kick up merry hell until the problem is fixed or Ill be going to trading standards because the product which I bought does not perform in the way advertised or promised.
  3. yes indeed, there is something seriosuly disturbing about your post, that i will carry with me, forever... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Luckly, I'm not "so" concerned about the feeling of a complete stranger, to make me sick, or turn it in a burden for the rest of my life... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pool of poo... the quote regarding the patch is taken directly off of the Lucasarts forum. Go to lucasarts KOTOR2 website to find it. Kayn I am seriously concerned about your message. I for one did not intend to buy a game that I cant actually play due to bugs and definitely do not accept the blame for doing so!! You make out that releasing a patch is professionality. Surely it would be professional to release a working product in the first place.
  4. See thread in forum entitled....'patch news'....
  5. LucasArts Jay (administrator) Total Posts: 695 Member Since: 06/01 Date Posted: Feb 24, 2005 01:35 PM EDITED BY LucasArts Jay (administrator): Feb 24, 2005 01:52 PM Hi all, We know that everyone has been waiting for some word on when and how we would address some of the issues with the PC version of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. As of Tuesday we have a "patch candidate" in QA for verification. It will take several days to test and verify all the fixes, and to make sure that the patch plays nice with all system configs etc. We hope to release the patch very shortly - check back here for any updates. We're not providing a date for fear that we find another issue that needs to be addressed, and the patch would need to be pushed back. LucasArts and Obsidian are both working diligently to get the patch together and released as soon as possible. We anticipate the patch being available for all language versions on or around the same day. We also hope to post a patch list that documents the changes that you can look for when installing the patch. Finally, thanks for your patience, and we hope that you enjoy the game. Mike Gallo LucasArts Producer 2-24-05
  6. Your point would be valid if it wasnt for the fact that we cant stand 'over the shoulder of the mechanics' when no mechanic has come forward to confirm that he is going to fix our problem. What everyone seems to be missing is that all the moaners and whingers would stop IF they were told that people were definitely fixing their problems. putting 'patch out soon' isnt actually any sort of reassurance, and with regards to the 'It happens to all PC games' quote, isnt it awful that companies can take the mick like that and isnt it a shame that some consumers are willing to attack people who come online and try to demand a working product!
  7. You buy a brand new car. You take the key, turn it in the ignition and the car plutters to life. Then cuts out. You do it again repeatedly....Same thing happens. The car is not driveable. The guy next to you walks to his new car. He takes his key, turns it in the ignition and the car starts flawlessly. He presses the button to lower the electric windows. Nothing happens. He presses the button to open the sunroof. Nothing happens. Both of you walk into the garage, but amazingly the mechanics have dissapeared. The salesman is gone. The manager gone. You've paid your money and now....its just tough.... Some people have been described as 'moaners 'whingers' for expressing extreme unhappiness at the fact their games simply dont work. I havent had any kind of crash in my game. The engines ticking over. I cant do the swoop racing. It doesnt work. The scripting is wrecked. My electric windows are faulty. Frankly I dont care WHAT the problem is. If you bought a car you wouldnt expect to have a faulty engine OR faulty windows. You wouldnt accept it if you were told to put up and shut up. For those for whom everything works...great...fine....but this forum is the ONLY way that people can query whether they are ever going to get the product they PAID for. There's no-one to phone. No 'real' person to talk to. This is it for getting your experience of the product across to the people who 'matter'. If that is, they even read these messages...which at the moment no-one can say.... All these messages of blame. All these messages defending the product. The fact is this. My windows dont work. Ive paid for them to work. Why should I pay for something that isnt actually fit for the purpose for which it was bought and just 'put up with it'? Just because its a computer game? And why do those with working cars insult me for making my complaint. Im glad they own a working product. I dont. ACCOUNTABILITY. Thats all anyone on here with a problem wants. Chris
  8. Okay this is probably blindingly obvious But is there a way of stopping AI controlled party members from running over mines to get within range of enemies. Ive read about the stationery command and I presume that will work but surely there should be some sort of AI programming to stop that happening?! Chris
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