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So, I made a post in response to some imbecilic remark to a dude named AnakinsRevenge (how cute). But that's not the wierd part, get this. Instead of replying to my post in an intellectual manner, he sends me this private message: "i really truely loathe you, and if u must know, im not a nerd like you, i just happen to like star wars for some reason, and ill let you know that ive gotten laid, buddy. somethin youve only dreamed about with ur vacuum cleaner. and whats so wrong with the name i chose? keep in mind you only have 10 posts buddy. and if u ever come to missouri let me know so i really can kick ur ass u contentious little ****(that was the "B" word, as in Rick James!)" You know what? great, I'm happy he got that off his chest. But here's the wierd part, 2 days later, he sends me this... "listen i hope i didnt prejudice u against obsidians forums, and i got a little out of control but it was because last week my teachers decided to give me a test just about every day, my bad dude." Well, I guess that was the classy thing to do right? Whatever. I guess I'm the jerk here... OK, so here's what we know, 1, he's NOT a nerd "like me" because he has 300 posts and I have but 1 ... 2, He was going to kick my butt if I ever set foot in Missouri, but now he's changed his mind because he was simply letting out some pent up frustration from a couple test . I haven't visited the forum for a bit and this is the first I've seen of these messages but they were good for a laugh and I felt i should share :D . Thanks Anakin'sRevenge, I'm glad you don't want to beat me up anymore . There for a second I thought I was going to have to avoid Missouri for the rest of my life
Obsidian can only be judged by the games they themselves have made. Feargus Urquhart and many of the people on his team are responsible for some fantastic games, several of them my personal favorites. But they are playing against a stacked deck right now. KOTOR2's situation has been well documented as far as the quick turn time is concerned, but they are lcoked into a position right now where their future seems murky at best. They are creating NWN2, which honestly, I doubt it will live up to its promise no matter how much I wish it would. NWN was disappointing for me, but I do hope that Obsidian can fix what was broken in the original installment and its 2 expansions. As for KOTOR3. who knows what will happen, its all speculation who is even going to work on it at this point, but it seems Obsidian will have an opportunity to make up for all that was wrong in this game.
I'm sure it's pretty riidiculous, but can it get over 45? I mean, with mods from equipment. The highest I got mine to was 37. Actually, what stats do you usually end up at? I usually try to get my intelligence around 18 for skills, dex about 17 and all the others as high as I can with the points left over.
Nice little tie-in to Baldur's Gate
BruceDickenson replied to BruceDickenson's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Yeah, maybe it wan't Vrook, but I originally meant to refer to the Jedi on Nar blahblah :D . It is an uncanny similarity. -
Please change the Ebon Hawk in Kotor 3
BruceDickenson replied to Bokishi's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
A ship that had several smaller craft docked inside would be very cool. Something with a small hanger inside that had a swoop bike and a Baskilisk (I REALLY want to pilot one of those things in the next game.) But the size of the Ebon Hawk is just about perfect, maybe a new ship could be slightly bigger to accomadate these ships, but not much. I hope in KOTOR3 they enhance the ship missions. I know it would be like building an engine into an engine, but flying spaceships is a HUGE part of what Star Wars is all about. It seems most of the best Jedi from the movies proved themselves again and again to be great pilots. Hopefully the next game can add more of this flavor in without sacrificing the quality of the RPG. -
Maybe it's me, but I think the person who did the voice acting for the Jedi Vrook is the same person who did the narration in Baldur's Gate & Baldur's Gate 2's chapter breaks. Cool voice, I hope both Obsidian and Bioware continue to throw in little things like that for long time fans. Maybe we'll see The Nameless One in a game down the road...
I sent you a nice little private message to deal with your other moronic comments in your previos posts, but I will answer this one directly. 1.) if you think egotistical is a big word worthy of praise, you're vocabulary is limited indeed. And if by mocking my 6 posts you mean to draw attention to your momentous 600+ posts ( ), I must wonder, how many of thes 1337 posts you have made are of the "I-Pod" and "****" variety? For you, posting on a web forum is an oppurtunity for you to ruffle your feathers of stupidity like some kind of badge of honor, and I can honestly say I am hardly impressed by such displays. So run along little boy, and try to work on your Jay and Silent Bob impersonation, because as of right now, you don't compare in the slightest. If I were you I would be ashamed of the idiocy you have displayed, but shame eludes simpletons like yourself. 2.) Your argument about the influence system is broken. If I am to make decisions for my NPC, what need is there for an influence system? They are meant to be accesory pieces to my party, which the PC is the core, so to focus on them is pointless without the PC. 3.) What does this mean? "if you dont like the pc switching so much then dont u think its a good thing they did it k2 rather than k3". Please enroll in some English classes, and learn how to formulate comprehensive sentences.
Good point about the movies, but I like when NPC characters are sent off on support missions offscreen... I don't want to get into a debate as to the merits of Halo 2, I merely used it as a well known example, but it would have been easy to tell the Covenant side of the story from the MC's perspective along with Cortana's dialogue .
Thanks for the idiotic reply. If you think you have some evolved sense of perception based on your comprehension of this simple game, you have low standards for intelligence indeed. Trust me pal, I had no trouble whatsoever understanding the story as it was presented, and if you yourself had even a middle school reading comprehension level, you would see that my original post says nothing about the NPCs being unnecessary. But then, why would I ever think a troll who drops 1 line replies in the form of fragments insulting another's intelligence has any merit whatsoever? Thanks for the legitimate replies all, I have no problem admitting this is a matter of opinion. It's just I feel it is silly to force players into certain party alignments in this kind of game, and as stated, there are ways for consumers to deal with this sort of distaste.
****Small spoiler * * * * Why? I just don't get it. When I bought this game, it was under the assumption that I would be able to build a character, and "role-play" this character to the end of the game. But nooooooooo, not in KOTOR2. No, in this game, you spend hours at a time unable to access your character, using other premade characters to "earn" the right to play as the character you created again. Thats not even half of it. You HAVE to play for a good hour or so as a character, (Mira), who was bent on taking a bounty out on your head. Stupid. It's just stupid. Listen, I'll use your premade characters on my team to help my guy out, but the plot should always be advanced through my character. This switching to another point of view in an RPG fad has to stop because it flat out sucks. In fact, switching the point of view in just about any game sucks. They tried it in Halo 2, and it nearly ruined the game. Of course there are fanboys who love playing as aliens in that game, but most people I have talked about the game with are simply amazed you don't play as the Chief all the way through. I understand if it is done for small 5-10 minute stretches maybe once or twice throughout the game (like the tutorial), but I am at a point now where it has switched like 5 times to two of my least favorite charaters in the game. I never use Atton in my party, so why should I be forced to play as him? Huh? In an open-ended gameplay RPG such as this, to force the player to use characters they may not even like is ludicrous. The short-sightedness of the developers in this area of the game is very disappointing, and I will excercise my right as a consumer to take this frustration out on all Obsidian titles in the future by avoiding them. So that's it, thanks for reading, nothing personal, but the whole experience I have had with KOTOR2 in the last 3-4 hours of playing it has made me decide to uninstall it from my computer, back-up my saves and put it away. Maybe in a few months, when I get over my irritation with this, I will try to complete the game, but the replayability of this game gets a zero from me at this point. Best of luck in the future Obsidian, but from now on I'll stick strictly with Bioware, this game has so many amateurish misapplications/miscalculations/misconceptions in it, I don't know if my faith in how you make games can ever be restored.