I started my PC win10 version of the Epic-Storefront-activated copy of the Outer Worlds and got a "Cloud Sync Error" message followed by a prompt of a choice of loading an either/or local or cloud save. I didn't know what to press but I must have chosen "cloud", because now all my saves locally (user>saves>outerworlds>numbersalad).were overwritten at the same timestamp with saves from a previous play session, about 6 game hours and half an explored station later (I lost the last 25% of Emerald Vale and the first 25% or so of the ship-station storyline. I have combed through my C drive but the only manual saves I could find all now have a date-stamp of the identical time this evening when I picked the wrong save selection. Is there any retrieving this data or is it just gone? Also, WHAT KIND OF A STUPID **&^%ING error prompt let's you DO THAT! Ok. I'm cool now, rant off, but I have a kid so stringing together a couple late-night sessions is hard for me, won't get back to the same storyline point until next weekend, which just....sucks.