Just for the Record: Choices with consequences are included as Should Have-conditions under Story in Def.1.0
S4: the story is influenced by your decisions and your characters' actions and stats/abilities/skills.
S5: your character(s) can interact with information sources (-> e.g. NPC conversation, riddle statue question, …)
S6: your character(s) can make choices in those interactions
S7: at least some of these choices have consequences
S8: advancing in the story requires thinking of the player (-> e.g. irreversible choices, moral dilemma, riddles, …)
Back to Jagged Alliance 2:
I consider Jagged Alliance 2 one of the very best cRPGs ever. It is very nonlinear, it has free exploring, you can build up/train 3 sqads (6 chars) of non-anonymous troups with many stat & skill options. On top of that you can roleplay your very own (created) character. Choices with consequences everywhere. Some of the best tactical challenging combat (based on character skills). Many side quests. Interesting story and main quest. Hilarious party interaction. The game features crafting, too. Limited inventory. Tons of items to equip your characters.
-> This game is the complete package of CRPG goodness.
It's a tactical fighting cRPG with a few strategy elements.
About the strategy elements of the game:
The only strategy parts are freeing the cities and the anti rocket sites and install troups to get resources and helicopter flights.
You can beat the game without doing this, playing only with free mercenaries and live only by loot.
Hint: Main characteristic pure strategy games:
You are playing mostly with anonymous non-named troups and can't beat the game without them.
Anyway if you call JA 2 a cRPG with strategic elements or a Strategic Tactical Fighting Game with roleplaying elements, it is a very interesting game for cRPG fans and belongs on the list.
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