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Posts posted by Aegis

  1. ...even when you ask Visas to remove the facemask and ask her what she saw she gives a very cryptic answer...


    Actually, she says "A man, nothing more" or something similar (she did for me, at least). That eliminated some theories I had about Nihilus' origin (such as one mentioned on these boards, that he was a ghost of one or more dead from Malachor.

    He was also Kreia's apprentice at some point, which wouldn't make much sense if he isn't or at least wasn't a man (Kreia also says that he no longer can be called a man, indicating that he at least once was).


    However, I think it's safe to assume that the exile's nature and Nihilus' power is connected, somehow. But I don't think they are the same person. The most likely theory I have so far is that he was a jedi at Malachor, who just like the exile, didn't die but lost his connection to the force, creating a void (or as the game puts it, a wound in the force). But unlike the exile, who turned away from the force, Nihilus developed a sort of hunger for the force in an attempt to fill the void. The reason Kreia became his master is perhaps the same as why she became the exile's master, as they both share the fundamental lack of connection to the force, but Kreia realized that Nihilus was not the one she needed.


    It's just a theory, though, and it has some flaws that I can't quite iron out. The game is not very explicit on Nihilus' power and origin.

  2. Eh, depends on the character. I gave Mira a green one, for example. Visas got a purple, Bao-Dur and Handmaiden got a blue one, Kreia got a red one, the PC got two silver, and Atton got a yellow (mostly because I ran out of colors).


    Viridian is a sort of light-green shade if I remember correctly. Haven't seen one in-game yet, so I can't say for sure. It's the color of oxided chromium, and that's greenish, though. ;) (Edit: On second though, that's not entierly correct. I won't bother explaining, though. It's close enough.)

  3. Atton, Mira, Handmaiden, Disciple (and Bao-Dur like you said). You need high enough influence for all of them. Once you've conviced Mira, you take her to the place in Nar Shadaa where Kreia made you listen to it (just run around the big pit in the landing pad area until she stops you). For Atton, you need to talk to a pair of Twileks in the refugee sector (also Nar Shadaa) to get the dialogue option that'll turn him. I'm not sure, but you may have to train with Handmaiden (and win) three times. Disciple is easy, you can convince him to become a jedi without leaving the room you found him in.

  4. Goodwood, use [ Spoiler ] (without the spaces) instead. [ /Spoiler ] to go back to normal text. As for your comment:



    Your character know what it is because he or she authorized its use. I do admit that it's not explained very well, especially considering it is (or was supposed to be) a main plot element at the end. I believe it's called "Mass Shadow Generator", by the way.


  5. And what the hell is a mass-shadow drive?



    I believe it's a device you use to create artificial gravity. It's obviously not singularity-based, so my best guess is that it emulates mass somehow (shadow mass), thus increasing the gravital pull. That's just a theory based on the name and assumed function, though, and I'm not entierly sure what the game says about the device (but it does mention that people were "crushed by [Malachor's] gravity").


  6. The lenses you have is an upgrade lens. You need a special one (I think it was called "fixture lens" or something like that, but don't quote me on that).



    Found it. You'll need:

    1) Lightsaber Energy Cell Fixture (lspart01)

    2) Lightsaber Emitter Fixture (lspart02)

    3) Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture (lspart03)


    The lspart0... is the item code. You can use the console and type "giveitem" followed by the item code to get it directly. However, getting those parts shouldn't be hard if you just do some side-quests.

  7. What bugged me far more about her character was that five minutes after I put her into the Ebon Hawk's sickbay, she basically states that she is willing to die for me, for who I am, etc. Her entire dialogue was very poorly written, and made no sense whatsoever.


    *** Mild spoiler warning ***


    You know, I thought that first as well. But I've been analyzing the characters since then, for reason that's irrelevant here, and I've come to the conclusion that her dialogue isn't that bad if you look at it in a certain light. Well, apart from the fact that she share the problem of not having enough of it. It doesn't make sense at first, but after my second run and second time listening to the things she says towards the end in that presumably romantic scene (which I still find rather awkward, to be honest), it doesn't seem to strange anymore.

    Basically, she's vulnerable because all her people died and she was more or less adopted by a sith lord who goes around killing planets in his spare time. No mystery there, right? The thing about her love for the exile is, that when her planet was destroyed, she was not left unaffected. But unlike everyone else, she was merely wounded, not killed (not a physical wound, of course). Like the exile (you'll realize eventually that what Nihilus can do is very much related to what happened to the exile). For all she knows, the exile is the only being in the entire universe that can truly understand her pain, because it goes beyond merely losing her family. He is a kindred spirit, and that's why she loves him. It might not even be a physical kind of love (which I guess would explain why female characters seem to have Visas as a romantic option, I haven't tried it myself), but more of a spiritual bond.


    I'm not sure if I explained that very well, it's kinda hard, or if it makes any sense to you. But it does to me. Of course, it's just a theory, but given the game's lack of details in general, theories is all I have in most cases. I think it's kinda nice, I'm a sucker for tragedy, but to each his own I guess.


    Oh, and that had nothing to do with the gender, I might add. I couldn't care less to be honest. But Carth was enough to fill my quote of repressed men, to be honest. To me, equality is about being able to accept people for who they are, not for what organs they have or don't have, and I don't think that there's anything wrong with stereotypes as long as they make sense in the situation.

  8. Speaking of that council thing, I just had a glitch sort of like that. I picked the top topic and they started talking about Katarr (or however it's spelled). After a few of my lines on that line, they suddenly stopped talking and my journal was updated with the standard stuff you get after Kreia does her thing. The masters were still standing up, though, and there was no sign of Kreia or my Force Enlightenment, so I decideed to talk to one of them. He became a corpse without even bothering to fall down first, and I got the standard line about him being more than dead or whatever.

  9. 1. Kreia. Whoever picked the voice actor for her should get a bloody medal.

    2. Visas. What can I say? If she could (or did) sing, I'd be in love, I swear.

    3. I'm not sure. G0-T0 and Mira both had very good voices (for their character). Oh what the heck, I'll go with Hanharr just for the hell of it.


    I'd also like to point out that if you can go wrong with Jennifer Hale (voice of Bastila), I don't know of it.

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