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Everything posted by CrusaderRabbit

  1. It's looking better and better. Can't wait to get my mitts onto it!
  2. He could be a poet... the guys tag is ZenForAll, I guess. "Roll and try to hit ​This post does not belong here Please Ob-sid-ion"
  3. Yup, I'm in on the Divinity Beta and loving that too, have finished Shadowrun:Returns (including Dragonfall. Significantly better than Dead Mans Switch... Great atmosphere) Oh and the Wasteland 2 Beta. Plenty of Awesome gaming on the Horizon, Gentlemen...
  4. TechLuddite of the Obsidian Order! Man I am hyped for this game...
  5. Oh man! a Planescape related game! Awwww Yisssss.... And I already trawled through the updates. It's gonna be a painful wait till it's out...
  6. As a guy who came up loving Baldurs Gate, NWN and Icewind Dale (Also Ultima VII and the Ultima Underworlds... Yes, I'm that old) I can't believe this somehow got under my Radar! I'm deployed on peacekeeping missions, so it's awesome to have a bit of an escape on the laptop for when I get the time. I have rectified it by pledging though, and I am looking forward to this a LOT. Anyone else think this genre is on a comeback? (PoE, Wastelands 2, all the updated versions coming out...) I'm deped on peacekeeping missions, so it's awesome to have a bit of an escape on the laptop for when I get the time. In any case, it's nice to be here! CR
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