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About Montegue

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I have an Nvidia card, and was crashing at the very first login. I replaced the DLL file as instructed, taking it from KOTOR I. Then, I was still having problems. So, when the option came up, I chose "Disable Sound". The game started. But it had no sound, and that was annoying. So, I restarted the game, and this time, I chose "Force Software Sound". Game runs perfectly now. Hope this might help others.
  2. [quote name='
  3. Ok, so Im playing through as a Dark Guardian, having fun being evil guy. But now Im totally stuck. I'm at the end of Telos, and im fighting handmaidens. I loaded my game, and Kiera and Atton are standing there watching me, but they are not in my party. I try to get on my ship, it works, but I have nothing but a black screen. I know the game is still running, because I click to move, save the game, and wind up with a save window showing a frame from in game, but I can't get any graphics to display inside the ship. I have no other save outside of this issue, and I reeeeeeealy dont want to restart my game now. Any suggestions?
  4. How? A single blade will always be less powerful than 2 blades. Half as powerful in some cases. SImple math. Sheesh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bleh. Not at all. One mind, one weapon. I regularly beat people who face me with two weapons fighting with a single one. (been doing western martial arts for some time now). It's all about timing, distance, place... Saberist - you have a couple of misconceptions about itallian and spanish rapier. Can I ask where you got your info from?
  5. Jedi Watchman. It's all about balance. And immunity to mind control powers.
  6. Right. That's what I said. Boba died in Jedi.
  7. None of this is actual SW universe dogma, however. In that, Jango got killed by windu, and Boba died in the sarlacc pit.
  8. Statement - *thank* you. I suppose I can reprioritize my programming to delay the wonton slaughter I had plan. Conclusion - Some meatbags must live to serve my interests.
  9. Query - Where are these threads you mentioned, Meatbag? The search feature is beneath one of my programming.
  10. Dejected Reply - Beacuse this Meatbag forgot to look it up. Childish Retort - PTHUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUB
  11. Statement - It looks as though our Masters at Obsidian are planning to patch the game.
  12. Two blades gives you no significant advantage over an opponent with one blade. Training, however, will. A staff weapon, on the other hand, has certian advantages over both, which is why it was so much more popular in tournament than the sword, and taught all the way up into the 19th century as a skill. Again, training is key. Given equally skilled opponents, it's a tossup. That being said, weilding a staff with two indredibly deadly blades that essentially have a circular edge would be absolute suicide, Force or not. Then again, as the above poster said, applying real world combat to fantasy is an excercise in sillyness.
  13. I had to go with Visas, but Mira was a very close second. She's got that rough attitude that I find so sexy. But Visas has the mystery grrl thing going on.
  14. I would guess that 100% of the people who bought this game are experiencing bugs. The reaction to that varies, but that's kind of irrelevant. Obsidian should put out a solid product. Imagine how amazing this game *could* have been had Obsidian been free to do what needed to be done.
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