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Posts posted by Rillifane



    Giving players multiple ways to acquire their XP rewards is always better.


    But this is not an Either/Or. The system should reward you Kill XP and Non Kill XP. This one doesn't though.


    Baldurs Gate 2 was a far better RPG than Shadow Run Returns.

    Oh yes the old "choices are inherently good so more choices is always better" chestnut. As wrong now as ever. It is interesting that you should make this argument since that is EXACTLY what the system produces. You get xp no matter what path you take to your goals. Oh but you don't get to see numbers immediately after killing something. I guess it is totally different.


    You can keep saying that all you want but you know it won't change.


    Which has literally nothing to do with killxp.



    Yes, it's totally different. Not all wondering monsters are quest related. And apparently you don't realize people having fun earning the killing xp.

    It might change if sufficient players/backers aren't satisfied with current solutions, especially there are actually cleverer alternatives.

  2. Wouldn't it be better by rewarding players using diplomatic or stealthy ways to solve a quest with extra xp instead of removing combat xp completely? Beating enemies to gain the loot and xp has been part of the fun of traditional RPG. This change has gone too far I think.   To be honest, I am even a little bit regretful backing this project if they are taking out my pleasures of earning killing xp. :banghead:

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  3. Aside from all the bugs existed, I'd like to know if the Dev is going to implement casting animation and loot highlight.


    In bg, I always enjoy all those casting and chanting process of casting spells, now in PoE you simply see the character bow there(have no idea they are preparing the spell or just stand there idle) and the the spell goes out.


    Another feature which might be easier to implement is the loot highlight. You know tab tab tab......  8) 

  4. Though I have a high expectation of this game, I do have an impression that this beta has come out too early. Many aspects of this beta is more like in its alpha state. There are so many bugs and unfinished parts that are so trivial that don't necessarily need a beta test to get revealed. 

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    32-bit operating systems and an unoptimized game is going to lead to crashes.  No surprise there.



    I have posted a temporary workaround for this here.



    Thanks. I've tried the solution you posted. It seems that memory indeed is where the troubles comes from.  However, loading a save game creates a lot of memory leaks which means I won't be able to play a game without crash for a second reload.

  6. Hmm, have you tried validating the files via steam? It may be a corrupt installation.


    It randomly happens even when I save the progress file. So it's unlikely to be a corrupted download problem.

    And even  I successfully save a game,the portrait of the character will always be a red question mark. It always crashes loading a saved game.

  7. ;(  It's sad that I am unable to give the beta a real try. This beta simply crashes once in a while at any unexpected moments when some files are being accessed. Every loading save games is a crash, sometimes save game is a crash, playing around in character creation choosing different classes is a crash, switching area causing loading error is a crash. I've updated the video card driver, but it doesn't help.


    I've accumulated a lot of error reports folders, does anyone know where should I send the error reports or just attach here?


    Attached are 4 of the error reports.









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  8. To be honest, I am a bit disappointed that the priest don't have much deity specific power like they did in IWD2. In traditional RPG, though priests for most of the time plays as a healing role, they do have some devastating spells resembling wrath from their gods. Hope they won't lose this aspect in this game.


    I still expect seeing more deity specific power in the future. A priest worshiping a elemental lord, death god, wisdom god, nature god, merchant god...... should have  variances in their existence. 

  9. I would think something would have to carry over. Otherwise, your Level 12 Druid can just spiritshift at the beginning of a fight and suddenly get Level 12 offense and defense, essentially for free. *shrug* What reason is there to be in non-wereform if you can cast all your stuff while in wereform? Especially if your non-wereform needs to purchase/acquire weapons, armor, and accessories, and your wereform is already good-to-go?



    This is where balancing shapeshifting becomes tricky. Total power of a character is not determined solely by his/her level, but also gears. Unless this game is created so that the equipments are strongly connected to the level of a character, I don't know what's a reasonable level 12 offense/defense? This is not diablo where gears are level restricted and repalced frequently. In an open evironment/non-level scaling RPG, it's possible to acquire some better equipment early(actually that's part of the fun) or still struggling with lower tier equipment at higher level.


    The way traditional crpg deal with shapeshifting is directly overwriting the equipments with  non-scaling creature hide/claws..., fixed overwrited attributes, this often creates a situation where the form is either too powerful earlier or too weak later. One way to solve the problem is actually considering the shapeshifting as a stat buff without altering any equipments of a character and without setting a static attributes of a form.  Since shapeshifting is an use per rest ability, why not simply considering it a additional boost spell? (For example, a bear form serve as a +6Str +4Con spell along with some special talents like roar or knockdown and certain resistance or immunity.....instead of setting the str to 30), and this shapeshifting boost spell becomes stronger as characters progress.


    As for the point to not stay in were form, like stat boost spells, they are use per rest and duration-bind(??), so it's situation dependent but not always on feature. 

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  10. it would be nice if certain forms are less combat oriented but more support oriented. For example, a werebird giving increased sight to the party, improving accuracy or a weremonkey giving improved climbing abilities (RP purposes) or something else like that.


    Yup. Some form abilities that aren't purely combat oriented will be fun and make the druid more versatile. For example make cat/rat form has stalk/(move silently) ability that can scount as a rogue. Or a Falcon shape that can move faster and sweep over the ground without hampered by taglefoot or web spell. The falcon shape can thus serve as a bait and has great tactical value.

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