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NWN2 News June 7, 2007

Will Project X be a good game?  

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Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update


June 7, 2007


For this week's Community Update, we'll take another look at some of the great community creations out there.


NWN2 Community Representatives In Europe

Working with Atari Europe, we are expanding the Community Representative program to Europe. Currently, we are testing the system with the French-speaking part of the community and, if all goes well, we should be expanding it to other languages as well. We have a great bunch of people out there as Community Reps: Zantigui, mostal, argyl, Elynehil and Drakolight. You can find many of them in our Community Rep IRC channel, and they have started an IRC channel for French-speaking Community members as well.



Item Modification Made Easy

Normally if you want a special item in game you have to find a store that sells it. Chances are that unless you are after something fairly common you will have to settle for something that is only close to what you want. Module designers must specify every item that goes into a store, so making a mod that is suitable for the many classes (and races) can be daunting.



Instead of this approach, Charlie's Item Modifier gives you a dynamic approach to item design. The player can specify what properties she wants on an item. Much work is taken off the module builder and the player gets a wide choice of equipment, to suit any style of play. Charlie's Item Modifier uses a custom UI, which is much more powerful than other conversation based item modifiers. You can see what properties your proposed item has, the level required to use it, and how much it will cost to make. You can continue to make changes until you are happy with the result, before confirming any changes and committing your hard won gold. You can find Charlie's Item Modifier on NWNVault.



Patcha's Custom Rest System



This custom rest system will expand your roleplay enjoyment. It includes systems for resting, praying and studying! The system is activated by using objects, such as the old widget system we had in NWN1. Per Patcha's comments, the english may be a little rough, so contact Patcha on the Bioware Forums if you want to help out with translations. Patcha's rest system can be found here, on NWVault.



Placeable Weapons


Kivinen has spent quite a bit of time to bring us this great set of placeable items. This hak pak has lots of item models converted to placeables with several different orientations. There are orientations for hanging things on the wall (dn, up, dw, uw), leaning weapons etc against wall (dl, ul), and putting them flatly on the ground (fl). This can be used to replace the boring loot sacks with base item type specific model on the ground.




You can find Kivinen's Placeables hak pak right here, on Neverwinter Vault.


That's about it for this week. Unfortunately, I have no secrets to tell this time, but hopefully I should be able to sneak in and get something for next week.


Have Fun!


Recommended Comments



Wuppy!!! :D



Any news on the release of the the 1.06 patch would be much appreciated... I'm scared of the dark... please don't leave me in it....



Rob McGinnis


Any news on the release of the the 1.06 patch would be much appreciated... I'm scared of the dark... please don't leave me in it....




Possibly Monday, but don't quote me on that.



Excellent update, great news about the Community Reps for the French community, and for the rest of us over here once things start rolling. Looking forward to next weeks update!

Baron Rosencheck1


Any news on the release of the the 1.06 patch would be much appreciated... I'm scared of the dark... please don't leave me in it....




Possibly Monday, but don't quote me on that.


hey if you push it back a few days Hellfire might finish the update to the Deep Halls tileset in time with it... LOL o:)




OMG, I would love to see Kivinen's Placeables hak incorporated into official patch 1.07. Representation of all dropped inventory as those f'n ridiculous loot bags is absolutely unacceptable by today's game standards.



OMG, I would love to see Kivinen's Placeables hak incorporated into official patch 1.07. Representation of all dropped inventory as those f'n ridiculous loot bags is absolutely unacceptable by today's game standards.

Then implement it .... I dont get it why any decent hak stuff should be implemented in the game.



Then implement it .... I dont get it why any decent hak stuff should be implemented in the game.




Because the product desperately needs improvement.


Why should the casual gamer be required to delve a bunch of cryptic forums & repositories in order to gain access to content/fixes that should've been in the original purchase from the start? You're also giving that new player credit that they'll even know to look for mods. Instead, what's likely to happen, the new player will buy the game, become frustrated or disinterested due to features X, Y and Z, and then never buy a subsequent expansion.


Ground-breaking, easy-to-assimilate improvements contributed by the Community would be travesties not to incorporate in subsequent official builds. And I believe it's one of the reasons why the EULA reserves the IP rights to any content the Community creates by (or) for NWN2. I think DLA and CEP contributions would be examples of this.





Then implement it .... I dont get it why any decent hak stuff should be implemented in the game.




Because the product desperately needs improvement.


Why should the casual gamer be required to delve a bunch of cryptic forums & repositories in order to gain access to content/fixes that should've been in the original purchase from the start? You're also giving that new player credit that they'll even know to look for mods. Instead, what's likely to happen, the new player will buy the game, become frustrated or disinterested due to features X, Y and Z, and then never buy a subsequent expansion.

I really doubt the _average_ gamer gets frustrated by the same stuff as a mod-builder will. And the mod-builder _should_ know where to get what he wants.


And I dont speak about community bugfixes, they are a seperate issue.


Ground-breaking, easy-to-assimilate improvements contributed by the Community would be travesties not to incorporate in subsequent official builds. And I believe it's one of the reasons why the EULA reserves the IP rights to any content the Community creates by (or) for NWN2. I think DLA and CEP contributions would be examples of this.

A CEP for NWN 2 would easily encompass 2 or 3 GB. i dont want that if I only use 10% of that.



Get the feeling no matter what opinion I express, Parat will disagree. Do you agree? o:)


FYI - the cost per GB for hard disks (per Tom's Hardware) is anywhere between 28 cents to $1 US.


If Obsidian blessed its Community with 2-3GB of additional content I think you would be in the minority for complaining.


And if that happens feel free to send me your paypal address and I'll forward you the $3 for "wasted disk space".





Will today be the day for the patch??? Will this terrible oppressive darkness at last turn into light???


Fingers crossed....



Get the feeling no matter what opinion I express, Parat will disagree. Do you agree? o:)

No ;-)


If Obsidian blessed its Community with 2-3GB of additional content I think you would be in the minority for complaining.

They dont bless anyone with additional content if they add community stuff. They take what is already there. If they added 3GB with the expansion, I'd be happy with that. Original content, additional to the community content. I just dont like anyone saying "Hey, we added 1000 new placeables", if they just added 10,a nd the rest was available before.

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