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About Quaenam

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  1. It's not much of a problem, I still had a larger version of the watercoulour saved. Just needed to crop and resize it again.
  2. I had to add a little at the bottom. It was that or cutting off her ears. Poor elf The portrait format is a bit more longish than what you usually find.
  3. By popular request... ...and an ear + watercolours On an unrelated note, how do I tag people here? @username doesn't seem to work for some reason.
  4. I hope the way I cropped the image is okay. I didn't try, but I think the whole thing might be too small in-game. Is that Hawke from DA2? Sure looks like her (minus the blood). I altered the image a bit so the lower part looks a bit more like the others in the game, though she does look a little naked now. Here you go:
  5. edit: First I tried to put the images in spoilers, because the are so big, and couldn't (I don't get this forum, it works elsewhere). Then I used imgur's thumbnail function, only to realise that it resized the actual image, not just the thumbnail. Next try, the links to both images in original size: https://imgur.com/DWphL0Q https://imgur.com/hEm9tPZ
  6. Usually I would not change the original image, but her- um... anatomical problems became very obvious in the water colour version. Still better not to look at her left shoulder too closely.
  7. I thought it was an Orlan (fuzzy ears)? Anyways, here you go: Not sure why just the watercolours didn't show up, but the standard version you posted had the wrong size. Cropped it again + watercoulours:
  8. Boy, that was a mean one. Very little contrast, so I had to do some areas by hand because the program couldn't recognise the borders. Sorry for that, and thanx a lot it's a amazing No need to apologise, it's not that I was forced to do it. I just wonder who thought it would be a good idea to paint brown on brown.
  9. I hope you like them. Boy, that was a mean one. Very little contrast, so I had to do some areas by hand because the program couldn't recognise the borders.
  10. There is indeed very little content for Aumaua, especially Island Aumaua to be found. I was looking for something to draw, anyway, so I thought I might give it a try. I'm not terribly happy with the result, but better than nothing I guess. Feel free to ignore it if you don't like them. https://imgur.com/uMTXA1F https://imgur.com/YzISfgi https://imgur.com/C9MLYUZ https://imgur.com/hRgmreB
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