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Recently beat the game and am about to play path of the damned.


I was about to start a game with a paladin but changed my mind since I want to use Pallegina.


So my first idea is to go fighter/wizard or maybe even fighter/wael priest


The idea there would be to use rapiers, one handed style, and and create a crit fishing build. I would use the lightest armor possible and rely on deflection and try to get near max perception.


Would I even need Dex at all here? I saw there is a lot of great recovery buffs. 10 Dex Max per and might seems right here.



It just seems thematically counter intuitive.


Really as an aside is this all that good or is going greatsword or something like that just flat ut better? I was thinking of trying some kind of two handed weapon soul blade build since I've never ayed cipher before


Obviously going for some front line do type. I like survivability and not glass cannons especially on a hard difficulty


its a shame there aren't more great rapiers...the setting would lend itself so well for some

Ya I would like to see an item list but there isn't much info like that yet

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