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Pahowane Temple- Invisible Captive



West of Neketaka, but on the same island as it, is an abandoned temple to Ngati called Pahowane. It is infested with Xaurips led by an Eotan. After a tough fight that nearly killed my party, I freed a Huana merchant in the temple, who said there was another Huana merchant further in, locked in a cage for which I now had the key. 

Upon exploring further in I found the cage. Locked, but empty. I opened the cage, and nobody was there. The NPC's dialogue popped up, however. It looks like the NPC was not properly implemented, because their name is a placeholder (Trigger_Caged).



I am unable to attach my savegame to this post, as it is too large a file.

Attached is my latest output log, as well as my DXDiag text file.

Here is a screenshot of the image: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/916924665522675396/36935B301B6001EA4131E60A176D86A2D883911D/



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3 answers to this question

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Same problem, except I don't even see the Merchant the OP mentioned.


Another weird thing in this area is that if you enter the right half of the room where the Eotan is, your characters become invisible

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Thank you for taking the time and notifying us regarding this issue :) I do believe this to be fixed in the most recent patch 1.1. Should you have any additional questions let us know!



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I was confused until I finally did a search. This is still a bug for me (Oct. 2018). There is nothing in the cages at the back of Pahowane. I opened the cage [with the key] and all that happened was:



Trigger_Caged- "Help! Over here!"


...that came out of the *cage door* itself. There is nothing inside the cage.

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