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Pahowane Temple- Invisible Captive



West of Neketaka, but on the same island as it, is an abandoned temple to Ngati called Pahowane. It is infested with Xaurips led by an Eotan. After a tough fight that nearly killed my party, I freed a Huana merchant in the temple, who said there was another Huana merchant further in, locked in a cage for which I now had the key. 

Upon exploring further in I found the cage. Locked, but empty. I opened the cage, and nobody was there. The NPC's dialogue popped up, however. It looks like the NPC was not properly implemented, because their name is a placeholder (Trigger_Caged).



I am unable to attach my savegame to this post, as it is too large a file.

Attached is my latest output log, as well as my DXDiag text file.

Here is a screenshot of the image: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/916924665522675396/36935B301B6001EA4131E60A176D86A2D883911D/



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I was confused until I finally did a search. This is still a bug for me (Oct. 2018). There is nothing in the cages at the back of Pahowane. I opened the cage [with the key] and all that happened was:



Trigger_Caged- "Help! Over here!"


...that came out of the *cage door* itself. There is nothing inside the cage.

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