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Kleptomaniac Ranzak's "Look What I Found!" is bugged


Posted (edited)

I noticed three bugs connected to Look What I Found!. With it, Ranzak's supposed to get a card when he closes location, but:


1. It doesn't work in Rimeskull (AD5.2). Right after closing location he has to move and after that the power is unusable.

2. It works when any other character closes a location, just choose Ranzak before ending turn and he can use that power.

3. It resets when there is some kind of roll involved (i.e. General Store, LWIF! can get you up to 12 extra cards, 2 per boon - 1 when obtaining, 1 when rolling to check for free search) or... when you cancel discarding cards at the end of turn - drag one card to discard pile, cancel, and LWIF! is usable again. Repeatable as many times as you want. That can lead to some really, really big hands/discard piles, as demonstrated on screenshots.


Platform: Steam
OS: Windows 7



Edited by Atrus
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2 answers to this question

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Very nice summary of "What is wrong with power X?" - during my GoblinRunelord playthrough (Poog+Ranzak+Tup), I noticed the first two bugs. I once used the power twice in one turn (skill check involved), but to do it 16 times or more? Wow, that must be really crazy, especially in AD6 - you want ten Sihedron Rings? No problem.

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Did some additional testing in AD6.2 (because it's got a Temple). Noticed a few things - hand and discard pile can have over 100 cards (could probably go further, but this laptop only has integrated graphics and it gets pretty laggy), though after about 40-50 cards bottom cards start to "brown out", they gain similar color to background of closed locations, row of cards that are going to discard pile doesn't "tighten up", so it can go beyond the screen, and even B and C cards are still very common in AD6.


Also I am sure there is another bug with LWIF: it doesn't grant blessings, ever. Description says "random boon", but it drops all types of boons other than blessings.

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