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How much DLC is planned for POE 2?

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Those small fluff DLC's and different versions really don't worry me, all things considered ;) I got the "plain" Pillars 1 game as backer way back intentionally, because I didn't want all that of that pre-order, backer, mini and otherwise DLC stuff spoiling my first experience (The backer persons with 4th wall breaking text were already bad enough, but eh, well they were promised that they are in-the-game and promises kept are always good)


But it's even more important to remember that it isn't Obsidian deciding these things nowadays. With FIG they also got big institutional investors and so the infinite DLC and package versions machinery will roll and roll and roll....




Edit: Oh, didn't see the new posts in the other topic ^^ Scavenger hunt for fluff items is imo neat

Edited by eRe4s3r
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divinity OS2 was entirely voice acted.


If they want Deadfire to be a genuine contender with with DOS2 they should have alot of voice acting


that was one thing i noticed in the BETA was that there was alot of non voice acted boring script that I usually just skipped through because i couldnt be bothered reading it



That's nice. What does this have to do with the thread again?


Regarding DLC content, I suspect the open world exploration element to sailing through the archipelago and bumping into stuff along the way is bound to make it easier to add new DLC content into this map - I feel it's probably fairly easy to add an island or group of islands to an ever-expanding chain of them if there is demand for more content still. Here's hoping the DLCs are as "beefy" as the White March DLCs were at least, but if they are more bite-sized (as the price tag may suggest) I hope we might still get to see a meatier expansion later as well.

Yeah good question. This post got moved from another thread to this one. A mod must have done it accidentally

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