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[Major bug] Fun new way to lock up the game in 5-4



Heroic difficulty (Blood in the Sand wildcard)

Amiri, Harsk, Lini, Seoni (party and turn order)

Steam version


Man, I was off to such a great start too :(


Amiri finds and defeats a henchman in Festering Maze of Sloth

Harsk kills a few things in Abjurant Halls of Envy, then happens to locate Ordikon via Scout Ahead.

Lini finds another henchman in Vault of Greed. Take him out, closes the location.

Seoni cautiously plays a single exploration then stops (don't want to find another villain before Amiri can close Halls of Envy).

Amiri moves over and sets up. Does not explore.

Harsk moves over to Shimmering Veils of Pride. Explores. Gets a thing. Scouts ahead. Finds another henchman (I know where all three villains are now).

Lini moves over to Ravenous Crypts of Gluttony. Explores. Gets a thing. Sets up to close her location when Amiri acts next.

Seoni explores freely now (two locations are closed and the others can be temp closed if she finds anything). Fights a dude. Sets up to close her location.

Amiri's turn...


Fights Ordikon. Kicks his ass. Bastard rolls a 1.

That's ok, he *always* gets that 1 or 2 roll and Amiri is ready for him.

Kicks his ass again.


Only card left in her hand is the Belt of Giant Strength.


Location is supposed to make me bury my hand. Doesn't.


Location is supposed to do 1 point of Force damage when closed. Amiri's Thicker Skin brushes it off.


Game is doing that stupid thing where it kicks you out to the map with no real sense of why it thinks you should be there or what you should be doing.


Amiri clicks on her location (that usually "fixes" things).


Nothing to see here, so Amiri activates Move Fast and joins Harsk at Veils of Pride.


Hand resets.


Game locks up. I can click on stuff. UI elements all work. "Next" button is glowing, but makes that weird sound when I click on it.


Alt-tab and restart. No dice.


Do it again. No dice.


Do it again. Still nothing.


Slowly realize that 5-4 is never going to go this smoothly for me ever again and I just got owned by a bug.


Die a little inside.


So...my guess is either it choked when it was supposed to make me bury my hand but didn't *OR* Shimmering Veils of Pride is trying to force me to recharge a card because I'm now in that location and I succeed my last check (the game does this sometimes) and can't for some reason.


Either way, have fun with this one guys. I have a scenario to forfeit :(



6 answers to this question

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Hmm. Just occurred to me that when you close a location by defeating a villain, it doesn't make you satisfy the closing conditions. Therefore, Amiri was never supposed to bury her hand. Which means the only thing that jumps out as a cause it Veils of Pride trying to force the card recharge.

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Because I like playing with fire, I just tried to recreate the bug.


Couple of differences:


1) there were open locations so the villain had somewhere to escape to (the lich and the guy with the weird heart are both hanging out at Veils of Pride now)

2) I was fighting the heart dude and not Ordikon this time.

3) There was no companion at the location when Amiri "Move Fast"-ed to it this time.


Wildcard is An Ill Wind this time.

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Great job, Achilles. I dislike Thassilonian Sins very much and wouldn't dare to test a bug that just forced me to forfeit the scenario. Especially on Heroic or Legendary...

But you should not feel ashamed for reporting a *known* bug. It apparently is a long-*known* bug (1 year? Huh), but no one can be sure if the bug is still there or was corrected. Now we *know* it is there. --Dak'kon

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