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Will KOTOR 2 have Revan in it?

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He would have basic force abilities, and basic combat skills, and u would play through the game as revan. Alteast then it would be a true sequel....

great- a protagonist with alzheimer.


"i am the mighty... uh... mighty..."


"revan! - thank you - kneel before me!"


maybe the new protagonist is hk47 - jedi droid!


naah- really. lets try ruling everyone out and see who's left.


obviously, no matter whether you were LS or DS, the droids stay. a DS revan wouldn't destroy his own assasin droid or his astromech- you'd also keep them as LS, so the droids are in kotor2


if you were DS, juhani and jolee are pretty much dead. this might also go for mission and zalbaar. so all of them are outta the game.


this leaves bastila, canderous and carth.

now, assuming you were a good LS or a DS, bastila is alive and kicking. she's either good or bad, but at least alive.


carth and canderous are alive no matter what- with carth probably still being stuck somewhere in that sector, so both of them might be in as well. i'm hoping for canderous to be in the game as i kindda got to like that ol' bast**d.


aside from the droids, i don't think that any of the old characters will be available as party members. you can wipe the memory of the droids (common practice), but another amnesia? i don't think so.


so, we'll have a new protagonist, two old characters (the droids) and seven new ones to go, assuming we have the same amount of party members (9) again.

It's very hard to be polite if you're a cat.

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Jedi forgetting how to use the force is bullsh**. They had a weak explenation for Revan but this is ridicilous.


I guess you start out as a weak (weak war veteran that survived the mandalorian wars and was a jedi in it's past?) <insert whatever you are> that can barely take on a few thugs... yeah realistic...

Nobody said you were any good as a Jedi before you gave it up. You could have been the greenest of newly-minted padawans when you shipped off for the wars.


And just because you survived the conflict doesn't mean you saw any action. I'd say that 9 or 10 years as a couch potato would be enough to erode the minimal XP you got at jedi school.

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carth and canderous are alive no matter what- with carth probably still being stuck somewhere in that sector, so both of them might be in as well. i'm hoping for canderous to be in the game as i kindda got to like that ol' bast**d.

Carth is not alive no matter what. It's possible to kill him with a dark side female character.


The developers said that they didn't want to "stomp" on anyones choices from the first game. If someone chose to play a nice guy/gal, yet still murder Bastila in cold blood, then they can't stomp on that choice either. There's also the choice of not buying HK-47 on Tatooine. So the only characters from the first game that are definetely around and definetely alive no matter what you do in the first game are T3 and Canderous.

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There's also the choice of not buying HK-47 on Tatooine. So the only characters from the first game that are definetely around and definetely alive no matter what you do in the first game are T3 and Canderous.

Just because you don't buy HK-47 doesn't mean he isn't around in K2


He doesn't explode or something

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Carth is not alive no matter what. It's possible to kill him with a dark side female character.

sorry, you're right. forgot about that one. so carth wont be in there as well- but canderous will.

It's very hard to be polite if you're a cat.

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There's also the choice of not buying HK-47 on Tatooine.  So the only characters from the first game that are definetely around and definetely alive no matter what you do in the first game are T3 and Canderous.

Just because you don't buy HK-47 doesn't mean he isn't around in K2

besides- they already said that the droids would be in the game

It's very hard to be polite if you're a cat.

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