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Encounter Ghoul Bat in Garrison with Ezren, Kyra is also there. Kyra fights summon with Piercer of Thorns, it gets buried.

Ezren fights original with Acid Arrow, Kyra supports with Blessing of Sarenrae. Obviously it's defeated. Ezren successfully recharges Acid Arrow. Kyra recharges Blessing.

Then ... Progression break. A prompt says "confirm this action" but no action can be confirmed.

Try a VRT, and when I come back the bat is gone and the only prompt is "Close this location?" (the bat was the last card in the deck)

The Acid Arrow is still in Ezren's deck.



Android 6.0.1 on Nvidia Shield tablet K1


Story mode, Under Jorgenfist, Normal difficulty

Pass and play and permadeath both off

Party of Merisiel, Kyra and Ezren

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