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I have an annoying issue with PoE : Each time my character dies (for now I can't go beyond Val Doré), my save game is wiped. I can't load it anymore, I can't continue. The file doesn't exists anymore. Gone.

I play under Linux. Can you help me. I'd like to play the game with a functional save-game system.


Thanks !

5 answers to this question

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Well No. Wait, I try to edit an old savegame, and... yes, TrialOfIron=True





How on earth can I know this was checked on ?


I can I turn it off now ? Turning the value to "False" doesn't seem to work.


Do I have to start the game from the very beginning ?


Can I at least re-use my character ?

  • 0
I can I turn it off now ?

No, it cannot be toggled once you've started. At least not through the game interface.


How on earth can I know this was checked on ?

By default it's off in my games. This is the button: http://imgur.com/a/rjmMW


Do I have to start the game from the very beginning ?


Can I at least re-use my character ?

It's possible some techy people can help you with this, but the game itself supports neither disabling Trial of Iron nor copying a character. If it's possible to do, it will have to be through editing the save file.

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It's strange that editing the value to false didn't help, because that's pretty much the key difference I see between a ToI and a non-ToI save. Anyway, try pressing F5 in a game that shouldn't be ToI. If that quicksaves, you're not on ToI. If it doesn't, you should get an error saying you can't quicksave on ToI.


I'm guessing Val Doré is Gilded Vale (the first village you reach after losing Calisca and Heodan), and you say you can't go beyond that without dying (somewhere in the wilderness, I presume), which obviously terminates a ToI run. It might be a small comfort but you have many many hours of content left after that. It's not giving up a lot of progress to start over.

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Thank you for your reply.


Indeed, I suppose I'll start again. Gilded Vale is not far away from the very beginning, so I can re-start fresh (ToI-free).  :-'

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