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I can see the dice in Option/Gallery/dice. When I have to set dice for my party, in party management I use the pop up menu (tap on the X where you change the characters nicknames) and select dice, then drag you char icons over the owned dice slots mate.

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I just bought a 50 pack of treasure chests, and got a bunch if dice sets. I got credit for none of them, and I got a couple of the REALLY nice ones. What the heck?

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Just write here in the thread your PFID (you can read it pressing Setting button, in a couple of lines below the frame there are the game version and your id), then developers will read, check and give you an answer. 

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it's a server glitch that happens occasionally. I lost 500 treasure cards for 24 hours one time and was a bit panicked, but they showed up later all the same. this also happens with dice as I have had all my dice disappear as well, but they eventually find their way back home.

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I contacted support ( Twitter and their email form). Took a couple days, and they couldn't grimy the specific dice sets, but they did a fair job of approximating it for me.

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I am having this issue as well.  Just got the game and opened a bunch of boxes and got quite a few dice.  None are to be found.



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