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So, I wanted to change something obvious for my first try. Hence I chose Blessed was Wengridh and its Reflex save. I've opened the module in UABE and looked into "MonoBehavior" asset(MB base, yeah). Now, I need to find something that makes sense to modify Reflex.


Inside there is this PhraseData m_phraseData which contains Array Array(int size = 2) and AA contains 0 and 1. When I open 0, I get: Generic Mono data


UInt8 IsHostile = 0 (this means it's a friendly effect)

int Apply = 0 (no idea what this is)

int AffectsStat = 16(it affects stat 16, which I understand is mov.speed because of next two lines)

int DmgType = 8(I take it this means it increases, not decreases a number- a plus basically)

float Value = 1.20(and THIS IS IT! When you look it up on wiki, it says it increases MS by +1.2{sound familiar?})





So 0 is the MS part, which means 1 MUST be Reflex part, right? When I open it, the only two different things are: AffectsStat is 8(must be Reflex) and Value is 10.00(now this sounds VERY familiar). It simply has got to be the part reserved for modifying Reflex save. So, what's wrong?


I found it in hex code and edited it to be +15.00. Replaced the file, which even says outright that Stat 8 is affected by Value 15.00. But it doesn't work in the game! Neither the tooltip, neither the ability(it still changes Reflex by 10). WTF did I do wrong? Did I miss something?


...I just want to edit values so ratios are better dam it!

  • 2 weeks later...

So, I wanted to change something obvious for my first try. Hence I chose Blessed was Wengridh and its Reflex save. I've opened the module in UABE and looked into "MonoBehavior" asset(MB base, yeah). Now, I need to find something that makes sense to modify Reflex.


Inside there is this PhraseData m_phraseData which contains Array Array(int size = 2) and AA contains 0 and 1. When I open 0, I get: Generic Mono data


UInt8 IsHostile = 0 (this means it's a friendly effect)

int Apply = 0 (no idea what this is)

int AffectsStat = 16(it affects stat 16, which I understand is mov.speed because of next two lines)

int DmgType = 8(I take it this means it increases, not decreases a number- a plus basically)

float Value = 1.20(and THIS IS IT! When you look it up on wiki, it says it increases MS by +1.2{sound familiar?})





So 0 is the MS part, which means 1 MUST be Reflex part, right? When I open it, the only two different things are: AffectsStat is 8(must be Reflex) and Value is 10.00(now this sounds VERY familiar). It simply has got to be the part reserved for modifying Reflex save. So, what's wrong?


I found it in hex code and edited it to be +15.00. Replaced the file, which even says outright that Stat 8 is affected by Value 15.00. But it doesn't work in the game! Neither the tooltip, neither the ability(it still changes Reflex by 10). WTF did I do wrong? Did I miss something?


...I just want to edit values so ratios are better dam it!


The tooltip will not change I believe, you'll need to edit the text files for that. But the ability itself should be changed. Do your stats on the C screen change accordingly when you're using the chant?

  • Like 1


So, I wanted to change something obvious for my first try. Hence I chose Blessed was Wengridh and its Reflex save. I've opened the module in UABE and looked into "MonoBehavior" asset(MB base, yeah). Now, I need to find something that makes sense to modify Reflex.


Inside there is this PhraseData m_phraseData which contains Array Array(int size = 2) and AA contains 0 and 1. When I open 0, I get: Generic Mono data


UInt8 IsHostile = 0 (this means it's a friendly effect)

int Apply = 0 (no idea what this is)

int AffectsStat = 16(it affects stat 16, which I understand is mov.speed because of next two lines)

int DmgType = 8(I take it this means it increases, not decreases a number- a plus basically)

float Value = 1.20(and THIS IS IT! When you look it up on wiki, it says it increases MS by +1.2{sound familiar?})





So 0 is the MS part, which means 1 MUST be Reflex part, right? When I open it, the only two different things are: AffectsStat is 8(must be Reflex) and Value is 10.00(now this sounds VERY familiar). It simply has got to be the part reserved for modifying Reflex save. So, what's wrong?


I found it in hex code and edited it to be +15.00. Replaced the file, which even says outright that Stat 8 is affected by Value 15.00. But it doesn't work in the game! Neither the tooltip, neither the ability(it still changes Reflex by 10). WTF did I do wrong? Did I miss something?


...I just want to edit values so ratios are better dam it!


The tooltip will not change I believe, you'll need to edit the text files for that. But the ability itself should be changed. Do your stats on the C screen change accordingly when you're using the chant?



No, they did not. That is why I started this topic. I mean, I am not speaking of adding functionalities, just editing stats here or there.


I could try it again, ofc.


Here's my Weng txt file:


0 MonoBehaviour Base

 0 PPtr<GameObject> m_GameObject

  0 int m_FileID = 0

  0 int ,m_PathID = 19

 1 UInt8 m_Enabled = 1

 0 PPtr<MonoScript> m_Script

  0 int m_FileID = 0

  0 int m_PathID = 14

 1 string m_Name = " "

 0 PPtr<$Texture2D> Icon

  0 int m_FileID = 0

  0 int m_PathID = 8

 0 DatabaseString DisplayName

  0 int StringTable = 6

  0 int StringID = 640

 0 DatabaseString Description

  0 int StringTable = 6

  0 int StringID = 641

 1 string Tag = " "

 0 int Level = 1

 0 int VocalizationNumber = 3

 0 int DefendedBy = 5

 0 PhraseData m_phraseData

  0 Array Array (2 items)

   0 int size = 2


     0 Generic Mono data

      1 UInt8 IsHostile = 0

      0 int Apply = 0

      0 int AffectsStat = 16

      0 int DmgType = 8

      0 float Value = 1.200000

      0 float ExtraValue = 0.000000

      0 int IntervalRate = 0

      0 PPtr<$GameObject> OnStartVisualEffect

       0 int m_FileID = 0

       0 int m_PathID = 17

      0 PPtr<$GameObject> OnAppliedVisualEffect

       0 int m_FileID = 0

       0 int m_PathID = 20

      0 PPtr<$GameObject> OnStopVisualEffect

       0 int m_FileID = 0

       0 int m_PathID = 0

      0 int VisualEffectAttach = 6

      0 PPtr<$Texture2D> Icon

       0 int m_FileID = 0

       0 int m_PathID = 0

      0 PPtr<$Affliction> AfflictionPrefab

       0 int m_FileID = 0

       0 int m_PathID = 0


      0 Generic Mono data

       1 UInt8 IsHostile = 0

       0 int Apply = 0

       0 int AffectsStat = 8       /// 8 is Reflex, I double checked it by examining Snake's Reflexes

       0 int DmgType = 8         /// 8 is + I take it

       0 float Value = 20.000000        /// It was 10 pretty obviously, this is what I changed

       0 float ExtraValue = 0.000000

       0 int IntervalRate = 0     /// I'll skip the visual / trap etc part for now(it's exactly the same one as in MS above)




0 vector Afflictions

 0 Array Array (0 items)

  0 int size = 0

 0 PPtr<$GameObject> OnChanterVisualEffect

  0 int m_FileID = 0

  0 int m_PathID = 0

 0 int ChanterVisualEffectAttach = 14


...why does this not work?

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