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[3.03] Are there issues with Amplified Thrust and/or Take the Hit?



Just noticed something weird in a combat I was in during my last session.  I targeted an Amplified Thrust at Edér and it bouced off him to the nearest target as it should, but it also damaged him as well, which you can see in the attached image.  He does have the "Take the Hit" talent and maybe it's the interaction with that that is causing issues?  Sorry, I haven't done any in-depth testing on this because to be honest, I don't want to spend too much time on it and just want to finish my playthrough.  By the way, my cipher also has that occasional self-hitting Psychic Backlash referenced in another thread.



Yikes, I just took another look at that screenshot, and it appears the "Divine Mark" proc from St. Ydwen's Redeemer, wielded by Pallegina, did the same thing:  it damaged the mob AND Edér.  :blink:


Edited by Novanus
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Looking at the screenshot Edér's actually hitting himself as well, and so is your Cipher with his melee attack (isn't it also supposed to be raw damage, by the way?). Did this happen before or since you took this screenshot, or was it a one-off issue? Sometimes there seem to be glitches like these that resolve themselves when you save and load; more like the game state got a bit muddled at that particular time rather than it being a consistent bug in the ability itself.

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Looking at the screenshot Edér's actually hitting himself as well, and so is your Cipher with his melee attack (isn't it also supposed to be raw damage, by the way?). Did this happen before or since you took this screenshot, or was it a one-off issue? Sometimes there seem to be glitches like these that resolve themselves when you save and load; more like the game state got a bit muddled at that particular time rather than it being a consistent bug in the ability itself.


Hmm, you may be right.  I just went in to test in another fight and it was fine.  Weird!  I'm not sure if it has happened before but I'll keep an eye on it.  I don't typically inspect the combat log to make sure everything is working as intended unless something obvious pops out at me (like with Psychic Backlash self-stunning me at the beginning of a fight).

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