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Purchased Bundle - Missing Content



I'm making a separate tread as my issues seem to be partially different then the widely reported ones:


(TLDR: The bundle doesn't grant me AD1, AD6, and ONLY grants me the characters from the Add-On  EXCEPT Amiri!)


- I purchased the Bundle

- I am not experiencing gold loss or negative prices, however:


1) In the Vault (accessed through the Story->Scenario Selection menu) , decks B, 1 and 6 are highlighted yellow when not selected (which to my user sensibilities speaks 'available' as opposed to the other non-highlighted decks):

      a) when selected, the hilighted B displays the appropriate cards (as intended, I suppose)

      b) when selected, the highlighted 1 and 6 display "Purchase Burnt Offerings/Spires to unlock this Adventure!"

      c) when selected, the non-highlighted C displays "Purchase Deck C to unlock this Adventure!" (which, while technically incorrect as Deck C grants extra cards, not an Adventure, is the expected behaviour, I suppose)

      d) all other non-highlited buttons display "This Deck List is unavailable for the current Adventure" (expected behaviour)


2) In the Gallery (accessed through Home menu), ALL of the decks are highlighted (expected behaviour), however:

      a) when selected, (and an 'empty' (no treasure cards) category is selected) the highlighted , 1, 6 and C display "Purchase Burnt Offerings/Spires to unlock this Adventure!"

      b) all other highlighted Decks display the appropriate card lists


3) In the Store / Adventures:

      a) the RotR Bundle displays OWNED, however, with a WHITE 'Buy' button

      b) the discounted Burnt Offerings is with bluish highlight (the same as selection highlight), displays its price '750 Gold', and a RED 'Buy' button (presumably because I lack the funds )

      c) Spires of Xin-Shalast is with a GOLDEN highlight for some reason (which doesn't appear on any other item in the Store), and red-letters, greyscale Buy button (which apparently means that I lack funds, but ALSO that the product is unavailable - when pressed, it doesnt prompt me to get Gold as the red-letter, bluish color 'Buy' button does)


4) In the Store/ Characters:

      a) the Character Add-on Deck (which supposedly is part of the Bundle) has bluish highlight (non-purchased) , displays price 10000 Gold and red-letter, bluish Buy button

      b) ONLY Amiri has bluish highlight (non-purchased) , displays price 10000 Gold and red-letter, bluish Buy button

      c) all other characters INCLUDING the Add-On ones are displayed as 'Owned' ; however, as noted above, they're the only cards from the Add-On that are actually unlocked!


5)  when cycling Adventure Decks on the Adventure Map menu, both Spires and Burnt Offerings display 'STORE" button instead of scenario descriptions



As an aside - the following discrepancies exist in the Gallery (could be intended, but would seem odd):

- AD5 only displays Scribbler and Azaven as Villains, and only Fanged Falchon as Loot

- AD4 only displays Galenmir, Teraktinus and Black Monk as Villains, and only Robe of Runes as Loot




While testing for the above, I discovered that quite misleadingly and confusingly the Options-> Vault button shows only cards "in the box" after accessed through the Story menus; however, it shows the full Gallery when accessed from Gallery itself (it even shows 'GALLERY" text, when the screen reloads). The fact that the Vault and Gallery have quite different functionality but look basically identical doesn't help much either. I can only guess you'll get a false 'bug' report or two because of the above.





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You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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