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Its been several months since i last played the game and now I am planning to start a completely new campaign (PoTD) with WM complete installed.


I can't decide which class to play with though, are Priests or Barbarians any good in 3.0? Or are there any other classes that stand out in the most recent patch? I tried playing a melee rogue but I found it kind of boring, I guess its because I almost always play melee rogue in RPGs and I am kind of burnt out on using stealth mechanics and backstabbing.....so I want to try something else or may be a ranged rogue or a cipher may do it for me.......but I want to make an informed decision......


Can anyone shed some light on this and help me come to a decision?



Edited by Brimsurfer
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I haven't found a single class that's playing poorly by 3.00.  Priests are great and the closest the game has to a necessary class, especially on PotD; athletics frees you to use some of the damage spells if you kept using priests just for healing.


Barbarians are fun, and a great option on PotD, their schtick is you run into the center of battle and dish out a ton of AoE damage.  They have a mechanic that hides their health for substantial bonuses to stats.  I like them a lot, especially as moonlikes, but it's not everyone's cup of tea.


Ciphers have a lot of unique dialogues, and they change the gameplay by using lots of dominates to make enemies switch sides.  They can also work well in specific melee builds, but normally they're a nice cross between archers and melee attackers.


Rogues don't do it for me.  I like rangers better for ranged attacks, and every melee class better close up.  This is especially true on PotD, when crowds are so huge melee durability is a serious issue.

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