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Very nice, thanks. It's probably somewhere in the StraightBounce handling from Driving Flight. I'll root around the code for a bit tonight to see if I can spot what's happenin. After all, I can't very well just not know, now can I?  :grin:

Edited by Loren Tyr
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Hmm, it's not entirely clear why (annoyingly, there's a bit of likely relevant code I can't get to properly), but it is definitely my good old friend OneHitUse again.

Marked Prey triggers one that adds the +20% while the damage is being computed. But multi-projectile attacks only run the clean-up (which removes the OneHitUse effects at the end of an attack) after the last projectile, which means that each time that damage computation is run for a subsequent hit an additional copy of the +20% gets added even though the previous one is still there. 


Driving Flight adds a Bounce to each attack. The bouncing attack hits later, but is launched during the original attack, before the next projectile hit gets resolved. Apparently the launch somehow ends up cleaning up those OneHitUse effects as well, this is unfortunately in my disassembler blind spot. I saw the same thing as well with a Powder Burns bug though, so I'm fairly certain it's in there somewhere. 


Gives me an idea though...


... and indeed, Marked Prey + Blunderbuss = $$$. That's obviously also a multi-projectile hit, so the Marked Prey goes all the way to +120% on the sixth pellet (even if some of the ones before them missed). The Marked Prey procs don't get the DR reduction unfortunately (not from Penetrating Shot either), but still quite nice :).

Edited by Loren Tyr
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