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I'm using OS X 10.11 beta, with a new install of PoE 2.0.  When I run the game, all is well, until the point where you actually start to play (after character creation).  At that point the screen is just black, except the cursor.  The cursor does change as it moves around the screen (as-if going over objects).  All I can really do is exit the game.


I've attached the player.log file and a screen shot.


Has anyone else experienced this?

Player.log.zipFetching info...


12 answers to this question

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Hello, treaves.  What kind of Mac are you running this on?  Do you have more than one video card?  There are a few issues that we are experiencing on the OSX platform, but I will need more info in order to help you.  Thanks for your patience and support during this issue.

- Refer to this thread if you are having trouble finding any information I requested http://forums.obsidi...eport-an-issue/

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Sorry, I thought that was in the player.log.


This is a mid-2012 MacBook Pro with Retina display, 2.6 GHz i7 CPU, 16 GB memory, and a GeForce 650M card with 1024MB memory.

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Hello again.  Not a problem at all, thank you for the clarification.  I think you will find the solution in this thread by following the instructions for changing your energy settings and not letting your computer switch between video cards.  Post #13 should be the most helpful.  Thanks for your support!

- Refer to this thread if you are having trouble finding any information I requested http://forums.obsidi...eport-an-issue/

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No, this was not the issue.  I didn't think it was, as the video is fine up until the game actually starts, after character creation.  But I did test it.  Both the system preference and the third party app.

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Just letting treaves know that I am experiencing the same issue, along with several other issues. In my case as well, the graphics switching is not the cause of the problem.

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I had the same problem yesterday and found that the problem is being caused by update 2.0 not by White March. In the end I uninstalled and then re-installed the game without update 2.0. I am occasionally having the same problem when leveling a character but there's a bit of a workaround if you can call it that. Basically when the game first starts, up in the right hand corner you'll find the 'news' icon. Click on any entry in the news icon and you'll find that from this point onwards using CMD-Shift you can switch in and out of the game. If you see the dark screen while leveling just CMD-Shift, shut down the game, and then reload and level again. In every case so far it has then allowed me to level.

Update 2.0 is just not worth installing at this stage as it pretty much breaks the game.  

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Hello all.  While we test on OSX internally we can't test on every version of OSX, or every version of Mac Desktops and MacBooks.  Had we experienced anything like this internally it would be written up just like any other bug and entered into our database.  Personally I test on OSX and have not seen this issue at all.  Thanks for your support and patience during this issue.

- Refer to this thread if you are having trouble finding any information I requested http://forums.obsidi...eport-an-issue/

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Apple puts developer beta builds out there expressly for this purpose; whereas I don't expect PoE to work on a beta, it sure should once it goes GA.  You shouldn't wait to test until it goes GA.

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