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Aloth Distant Advantage stacking with itself



First had Distant Advantage twice, then one of the turned into 'Aloth Attack' with the same stats, saving + loading and resting don't do anything. Don't know how it occured.


Removing Aloth from party and adding him again removed 'Aloth Attack', will see if it comes back.


Savegame with 2x Distant Advantage: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g14evoouekgibnj/a54c9a50e7f5487f9d078d7f64b8c652%207790897%20TheBlackHound.savegame?dl=0


Savegame with Distant Advantage + 'Aloth Attack': https://www.dropbox.com/s/9lirmwlopyqcphm/a54c9a50-e7f5-487f-9d07-8d7f64b8c652%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0



Edited by limaxophobiacq
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