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[1.04] Item - Shod-in-Faith Boots - I have no idea how these are supposed to work.



Alright, so, something is up with the Shod-in-Faith boots. I have no idea how they are supposed to work, but I'm quite sure they're not working as intended.




First of all, they don't give you the spell, which I think is intended. But then, they seem to either trigger at completely random times, or not trigger at all for hours of playtime, and then they'll suddenly activate 10-15 times immediately after combat ends.

I think there's something wonky with the trigger and you need to have someone take a look at it.




Here you can see it activating, and then do something weird 11 times once combat has ended. It's odd. If I catched it on vid, you'd notice something isn't working. Images doesn't do it justice, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Edited by Luckmann


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Wearer gets critically hit (even by a spell like mass fear (forgot ingame name - drakes have it)  ) -> fountain of youth boots begin to erupt wave upon wave of AOE healing ..  (few waves - but enough to carry the fight)  .. 


Its not completely broken (as in total IWIN button) since it has limited uses per rest (maybe only 1 ?) .. Need to rest often to tap their "immortality power" .. If you don't rest for hours  ..they won't do a thing  ..


Would be ideal if items with spell holding enchantment would display their remaining uses per rest in on the item card .. Like  "Remaining uses before needing rest recharge   2/5 " 




Personally I would prefer them to have per rest limit - but severity limit their healing power ... More use for the ones who try to rest less and way less potential for abuse ..  

Edited by peddroelm


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and after combat the spell finishes its duration, and keeps healing in tics

i dont think it has rest limit, just requres to be criticaly hit (therefore most often activated on chars with low defences)

same as spell striking items activate vhen you criticaly hit (and most useful on characters with high acuracy)

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


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Dev quote:




It seems that the boots Shod in Faith only trigger once per rest. They are supposed to trigger once or twice per encounter. I've added a bug into the database regarding this and we will work for a fix in a future patch.


Thanks for all the information"




But if they "fix" them  (unleash their unholy massive healing power twice per encounter), then they'll be more "broken" than a team of 6 moon godlikes .. Bah  

Edited by peddroelm


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well they are situational, but OP compared to most of other shoes. that said, i think shoes need more love.

PIllars of eternty (Hard) 1st playtrough: 155h, 38 m (main Ranger with bear(bow), Eder, Durance(off tank), Hirvais(off tank), Kana(ranged), Aloth/GM)
PIllars of eternty (PtoD) 2nd playtrough: 88h 30 m (main Bleak Walker Paladin, Eder, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue (ranged) Cypher(wand)
(not counting reloads and experimenting)
status i love the game, hate the bugs, and wish for better AI and Pathfinding


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