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Yes, that is what barbarian means - it refers to culture.

For the ancient Greeks, you were either Greek culture or you were Barbarian.

For the classical Romans, you were either Roman culture, Greek culture, Egyptian culture, or Barbarian.

For the medieval Christians, you were either a converted Christian (including the culture that goes with that) or you were Barbarian.


Barbarian is not a word describing profession, location, or life experience. It's a word describing the culture someone comes from.

Barbarian is a cultural "other box" and doesn't describe what it it, only what it isn't.



I have not played a Barbarian yet but was thinking about a themed character. I was thinking about trying to build Ygritte from game of thrones.

Any one have any thoughts on this?



You know nothing Jon Snow!

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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