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My main character is "Hobbled" and "Stunned" and resting does not seem to cure it.   Moreover, I don't see a priest spell with a description that indicates healing those effects either.


Will these effects go away in time...or, is this a bug?   Or, is there an NPC and/or PC spell that can cure it?




My main character is "Hobbled" and "Stunned" and resting does not seem to cure it.   Moreover, I don't see a priest spell with a description that indicates healing those effects either.


Will these effects go away in time...or, is this a bug?   Or, is there an NPC and/or PC spell that can cure it?



It's most likely a bugged status effect. You can use the priest spell Suppress Afflictions to get rid of it. The icon for the affliction will likely remain but the effect should no longer apply.


There's a level 2 priest spell (last in the list) that cures any negative status if i'm not mistaken.

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