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My In-Game Item is Incorrect


Posted (edited)

Hey all,

Been playing PofE of course and would like to say great game, beautifully done! Loving every minute, can’t stop playing.

I was looking in the strategy guide and look up my in game item I created. I was disappointed to find out it was not as I requested. “Cat Whispers” is supposed to be a pair of boots with a +2 to stealth and a *bonus to movement*. Instead the boots (according to strat-guide) are just +2 to stealth and nothing more. Now I have to be honest I have not found the boots in the game yet so maybe it’s just a mistake in the strat-guide.

Being a *Gold Backer* I feel it in my right to point this out and hopefully have it fixed in the next upcoming patch if possible. I know that most of you may feel this is nit-picky and I do agree but I did donate a nice some of money so of course this item means a lot to me.

Thank you everybody for your patience and understanding and hopefully it’s not too late to fix.


Edited by Alupinu

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