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Let me preface this by saying that AI, and combat are well outside of my comfort zone when it comes to understanding the mechanics and the balance.


I noticed this video on a gaming forum and it's about AI


Which made me wonder about combat in P:E. A topic I generally avoid commenting on because it's not exactly my strong suit.

I can say I didn't care for combat in any of the IE games I played. (Which don't include either Icewind Dale games)

Many encounters seemed to be only solvable with buffs and buff-counters, lucky rolls, and repetition.


There was little to no variation (in my admittedly poor memory) Wizards would cast the same spells, in the same order (yay, time stop again!) and become predictable as a result.

The video discusses exploit solutions, which reminded me of the rather overpowered cloudkill spell/wand.


Now, in the Design a Monster thread, I try to come up with monsters with interesting tactics or enemies which have some tactical purpose in their very design. (good against ranged or melee, good at breaking up units, good at weakening units. etc etc) with the idea that encounters could be crafted by picking from a range of these enemies.


That's meant to allow for complex combat puzzles.


But I now see the weakness in that design: the challenge becomes predictable, and often has only a very limited set of solutions to deal with the challenge.


So I was wondering if you, my fellow forumites, could help a brainstorm session on the subject.

And of course, I'm always very interested to hear what the developers have to say about it, no doubt it's a well considered topic.


Is it possible to create dynamic AI cheaply? is scripting basic responses easier or more cost effective?

Maybe it's a bad idea to have too strong AI, as knowing what to expect from your enemies is part of the skill in dealing with them?

What about asymmetrical approaches? How many ways should you be able to "solve" an encounter before it looks like anything would?


What is the process by which AI is designed in P:E anyway?

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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