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Hello Obsidian Forum Community.


I have recently started playing Diablo 3 again, just over a year after release.


You know what? It's great. Much better than the May 2012 iteration. Loads of stuff to do, fine-tuning, tweaking and listening to fans. I'm playing my level 60 (4) Barbarian on Inferno with a smidgeon of Monster Power and it's a stack of fun.


Of course, some fans say "why didn't you listen to us in the first place?" Sure, but as anybody who's done something worthwhile will tell you there are three sights on a weapon: the foresight, the rear-sight and the hindsight. Only a wanker criticizes via the hindsight.


My point? Now we take automatic digital updating of games more or less for granted via Steam and so on, are games *ever* really 'finished?'  At what point, for example, should a game be released? Should alphas get booted out at a discount so early adopters become willing guinea pigs who become a crowd-sourced QA / balancing mass?


Let's discuss.





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