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Magic vs Ordinary

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I wasn't allowed to post in the this topic but this is an answer to that:


Another thread:



What if I want both?




Memorized in a cool-down way:

* Turn-Based Cooldown

* Can only memorize a set amount of spells based on level.

* Can only memorize spells at certain points in the game/In a "unique" way (spellbooks):



- Spellbooks has to be bought, can't overwrite spells written into the book, which means you would have to get more than one book for different situations. One book could be written with Elemental powers, another purely with Conjuration. Spellbook would have to be equipped as an off-hand/in the shield slot. Great for wands!

- Staff's would/could be imbued with magic, allowing you to enchant them and scribe upon them (can't hold as many spells as a book can, but more powerful spells!).


This way you would remove Resting out of the calculation (and "Nuke! -> Rest! -> Nuke! -> Rest!" behavior) regarding spells. This way you could bring different books into the dungeon and have more variety to different situations.


This takes me to another thing however...


Dual-Wielding Wands! The Ninja Mage Class, acrobatic gunner. Fast attack speed, proficient in "Speedcasting" bolt magic (Throwing them fireballs like a boss).


Another thing I would love to see done with Magic/Mage's/Wizards/Sorceror's and so forth, is Wizard Duel's.


What's this? Wizard Duel?


Basically a system where your mage clashes with the enemy mage. Gandalf versus Saruman style. In a party battle the Mage would "instantly" fight the opponent Mage if there is one, and all spells you throw at the opponent party will be attempted to be blocked by the enemy Mage and yours would do vice versa.


A vision I've got in mind specifically is two mages fighting, A throws a fireball, so does B, mid air they meet and orbit around each other whilst both mages try to take control of it. The fireballs swirl and merge and become much bigger, pulsating as if ready to explode, at the same time both of the mages dice roll like mad, saving checks and so forth until one topples the other and launches the fireball at the other. Or it just explodes mid-air.


Where magic missiles gets blocked by a sudden barrier of light, converted into mana to be spent throwing the magic missiles back at the enemy. Spells being blocked by "ordinary" means, with a shield as an example.


An Ice Shard being lunged at your warrior who blocks with his shield and it freezes into solid ice and becomes an encumbrance. Your warrior takes lesser damage for blocking, but receives some penalties. A fireball hits the shield instead, and the warrior is knocked back. Again, takes lesser damage but receives a penalty.


I'm going to write a topic about this.


So here I am, writing a topic on it....


What do you think of it? Should magic be able to be blocked in "ordinarily" unique ways?


If a spell meant to disarm your Warrior hits, but he clings to the sword anyways and manages to hold it (Let's say it is a spell that turns the sword into a glowing red fiery heat that would make most people drop it), but depending on the personality, class and this soul thing, he could actually do a saving check and hold onto the sword instead of dropping it?


Similars! Bring out your ideas, even if they aren't implemented. What spell would counter what spell, and how? How would the personality/class/soul affect the saving throws? Shield versus spells? Active or Automatic?


Could you save your teammate who is getting it handed to him by knocking him to the side, taking the hit yourself?


Enchant arrows as they are on their way to hit their opponent? (I.E the Mage casts a frost enchantment on a flying arrow, before it hits the opponent). Vivi and Steiner from Final Fantasy IX.


Could a stat, such as Strength, effect how you block certain spells? Could raw physical force overcome pure magical force in some cases and situations? How much is the environment accountable for?


If my character gets "Burned" and takes damage over time, could he carry those flames onto him to a nearby enemy? Or if he's electrified, could he somehow dash unto the nearby enemy to electrify them as well?


Anyways that's my few cents for now... I'll be back :D

Have a great wonderful day. Hugs!

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I don't know about ordinary ways, but they can certainly devote some spots in the mage tree for defensive spells. Not buffs or shields but AoE spells that change the battle field. E.G: "No melee- only ranged attacks" or a Smoke fog that blinds everyone but everyone with a specific feat/skill.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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