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LIMBO is okay. I've seen enough people list LIMBO alone as the reason they purchased the Bundle to respect it.


I'm currently playing through it on Ubuntu and I'm enjoying it.


Or, uh, people genuinely enjoyed it?

Yes! And I didn't! ... So? You seem to miss the point...


I played free indie flash games that I enjoyed and they were even more simple than Limbo, and even if they were rated high on the respective sites they weren't front page steam news and the 'next best thing' in indie gaming you know.


Yes, I may be biased, because when I see any game which is a side-scrolling physics puzzle with limited palette, the first thing I think is 'man, the dev really didn't want to complicate things', but I don't think that invalidates the point which apparently[RPS] I'm not the only one trying to make.


You were implying that Limbo succeeded because people were somehow scammed into thinking it was good, and that was done through the careful construction of an "indie cred" surrounding the title. I don't believe that's the reason for its success, but it seems obvious that you do, and I guess it was pointless to make you consider the alternative when you're adamant about it.


The Rock, Paper, Shotgun piece is about a broader, different subject altogether (whether the "indie" label still makes sense) and.. uh.. it doesn't really support or hinder your point. It's just something else entirely O_o'

Posted (edited)

Implying? :blink:


So maybe I'm not so good in trying to express myself in English, if so mea culpa.


I felt it was important to include my view on the game exactly as to point out my potential bias - and also this is a discussion board, not some news site where I have to adhere to some kind of journalistic pseudo-political-correctness - but I still don't think it somehow bars me from making my point.


Which once again is that I see several games with similar 'production value' - and fyi no, I don't know how many people wrote this or that game - and ONE of them gets hyped on steam. Yes, you can argue that it was unfortunate that I saw it plastered all over the place to the point I'm using it as an example of 'indie-overhype', but it won't invalidate my experience even if others didn't notice or care.


It seems mildly strange that you're arguing a point I was trying to clarify in my previous post, and rather amusing that instead of giving me the benefit of doubt or asking me to be more clear, you simply dismiss the article I linked exactly because I think it makes my point a lot better than I ever could - only because it contradicts you ad hominem argument. All this while telling me what I was thinking. Great job!


EDIT: And just to be clear, this has nothing to do with how many people liked it or bought it, it's about how it was presented in my experience.

Edited by zero_or_more

It's 'indie' and this ONE guy did this... oh wow... it must be cool. You get the picture.


This is what you said. It speaks for itself, you're making a correlation. Maybe it wasn't your intention, but there's nothing you said later that even hints you had a problem exposing your opinion, you seem to be pretty convinced that its success derives from the marketing surrounding it rather than inherent qualities of the title.


Then you went on with this:

Yes, I may be biased, because when I see any game which is a side-scrolling physics puzzle with limited palette, the first thing I think is 'man, the dev really didn't want to complicate things', but I don't think that invalidates the point which apparently[RPS] I'm not the only one trying to make.


You outright said that Rock, Paper, Shotgun was making your same point, but they aren't. They're talking about how the indie label has been stretched to the point that it's losing its meaning, while Limbo would arguably fit into how it was originally used.


Finally, as a little aside mention, ad hominem doesn't mean what you think you do. I never attacked you, I don't even remember what you posted in other threads besides this. I attacked your arguments about Limbo and its reception, because I don't think they hold up. You think they still do and uhm, more power to you I guess! An ad hominem argument would have gone pretty much like this: (made-up example) "Oh but you're the same guy that thought Mass Effect 3 is a masterpiece *rolls eyes*"


P.S. : I'd imagine Limbo is a game that gets hyped on Steam because.. it's on Steam. Other games probably didn't end up there, for various reasons (maybe the developers didn't want to put it there? maybe Steam refused them? I don't know) and didn't get such a visible platform.


It's 'indie' and this ONE guy did this... oh wow... it must be cool. You get the picture.

This is what you said. It speaks for itself, you're making a correlation.

What? No matter how many time I read the part you quoted I always interpret it as a general statement, and unsurprisingly did so too when I wrote it. It's similar to this one: 'Indie is down-to-earth, the work of tireless blue collar DIY craftsmanship.' It's from that irrelevant article - except I'm not a native English speaker, and in no way could have wrote it like that. Sorry. I could say the very same thing about Minecraft - and I like Minecraft... well mostly anyways. :)


Or perhaps you have a problem with the 10

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